Logout with Identity

I'm trying to use the logoff function offered by default in Identity: // POST: /Account/LogOff [HttpPost] [Vali ... but I did not succeed. To make this work should I call it another way ? or write a different method to perform the logoff ?

Translating Identity

I'm using Identity in my application MVC 5.2.3 Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core 2.2.1 I also installed the translation pack ... equestEncoding="UTF-8" responseEncoding="UTF-8" fileEncoding="UTF-8" /> What is missing for this message to be in pt-br?

ASP.NET Identity and Claims

Still about ASP.NET Identity, following another question I asked about it (example of ASP.NET Identity using SQL Server), an ... e same subject would be regarding Claims. What is it about? What would a basic implementation be like for didactic purposes?

Send External Login data to Controller

I need to log in through Facebook, I have the login page, which renders a @Html.Partial _LoginExternal follows the code of t ... Url.Action("ExternalLoginCallback", "Account", new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl })); } What in this code is wrong, or missing ?

How to retrieve logged in username and display in View

I'm trying to develop a page, where I put the user login, it is redirected to an index, where I would like to display the use ... del OneeWeb.Models.ApplicationUser @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } this is the model responsible for having user data?

How can I get the insert in the log with logged in user? Identity - core 2.0

I need to get the user logged in, to make an insert in the log, thus including which user included in the table, made change, ... anager.SignOutAsync(); _logger.LogInformation("User logged out."); return RedirectToPage("./Index"); } }

Get user logged in Asp.Net Core 2.0

How do I catch the user who is logged in to the class ? I'm trying this way: public class Teste { private reado ... it _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User); return user; } } But it is not working in the Asp.Net Core 2.0:

Logoff after editing a user Role

I am working on an project and would like to force user logoff after editing a user-owned role, using asp. net-id ... ser = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication; autheticationUser.SignOut(); return View(); }

"Global" variables change unintentionally when accessed from different IPs - 3 companies

I have an app that is accessed by 2 companies. Use OWIN (ClaimsIdentity) for application login effectiveness ASP.Net MVC-I sa ... registered via database as a unit, 3-Gardensdominate someone else in the center unit if logged in-changes to 2-center

Decouple identity and handle IdentityUser on domain - Core MVC 2.2

I want to implement identity on my site, but not the way it comes in the MVC template with individual auth of .NET core 2.2, ... ey passed me a tutorial (can be in English) of how to install this new Identity manually starting from an empty mvc project.

How to configure IIS on the server for Windows Authentication (via Active Directory) of an AspNet Core C#application?

Gentlemen, I own an application very similar to visual studio 2019 ready template. In it, through the 'Users.Identity.Name' ... Finally the question here is... Oq I need to do so that my application behave the same way as my application local?