How do I sync?

Good time of day. The bottom line is this: there are clients (Windows applications) and you need to synchronize data on them. ... on is how to do it correctly. p. s. - the load is not large, so I assume that SignalR and the API will be on the same server.

Web API uploading a file to a folder

Good time of day! What is there: an API controller with a method that accepts a file that I upload via Postman to form-da ... return StatusCode(500, $"Internal server error: {ex}"); } } } } How to send via Postman

Docx viewer for the site

I have a Web API project. Is there any docx viewer for the site? from nuget, for example. I didn't find any free ones. If no ... is not installed on the computer). Tried using using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;, but it doesn't work without MS Office.

Reducing the amount of boilerplate code in a webapi application

I write a client and a server for the project. The essence of the project: warehouse accounting, perhaps in the future it wil ... g right? That is, in the future, I plan to create a controller for each table and write api requests for the server in it.

Is it possible to have authentication through IdentityServer4 and authorization in the API, separately?

I recently asked a question in stackoverflow in English, but I may have expressed myself badly and did not get the answer I w ... idate the Policies. This all in Api. If anyone knows a better way to do this access control, suggestions are always welcome.

MOIP consume JSON Web Api MVC

I need to use the MOIP Payment API as a payment method of my system, how do I make the request via json? Documentation ... C0NT" }, "_links": { "self": { "href": "" } } }

What does HTTP Error 403.14 mean?

Well, I have a Web Api, which configured as follows: WebApiConfig.Cs public static class WebApiConfig { public static vo ... sted URL, and the search in > directory is not Enabled on the server. Why does this happen? How can I solve this problem?

Azure api result different from my location result

I created a C # API in azure where it returns me an array passing the following params: ... ame: azure API (unexpected result) local API (expected result) I don't know why they're giving different results.

Is it correct in a DTO class to have attributes of two or more tables?

I need to return in a REST data from two tables, to be consumed in an Android/IOS App, developed with xamarin. As I return a ... //Aqui coloco os campos retornados }).ToList(); return lista; }

How to pass a large list of objects to API in C#?

I'm passing a list of objects to my API in C#. When the list size is smaller, everything goes as it should. When the list is ... : However when I send this list: I get this result: Could anyone explain to me why and how to solve this problem?

What is OData and what is it for?

I've been hanging out with some people talking about OData, I did some research I saw some codes, but it was not clear to me ... , among them: What is OData for? What are the advantages and disadvantages? when to use OData? when not to use OData?

How to log a post into a [closed] Web api]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... { var teste = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); MessageBox.Show(teste); }

Upload files to Asp.NET MVC 4-Web API-Http PUT method

So, I have to make a method in my controller for an API that accepts 2 files via PUT (1 json and 1 xml for Data Processing, n ... worth creating a specific object for them. PS: how would they then read the same files without saving them to disk first?

Asynchronous handler completed while asynchronous operation was pending-C#

Hello, I have some doubts regarding the code below. the code returns the following error [InvalidOperationException]: asy ... = telefone.Replace(" ", String.Empty); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SMSAsync(telefone)); return Ok(usuarioId); }

REST API querying another API

I need to make a REST API, which queried data from a cloud API, and returned in the app in json format, but, even with a lot ... the REST API that I am creating access the data that is already in this API in the cloud. Ps: I'm doing the API in .NET Core

What is the ASP.NET vNext? What is the correct name?

Ok, I know the ASP.NET vNext is the new version of ASP.NET being launched by Microsoft in 2015 and that brings great changes ... e was conceived. the name ASP.NET 5 happens to be used for the new version, which is the Core, but loses this nomenclature .

Hybrid Web application (MVC and Web API)

In Visual Studio when we create a web project it gives you the options to Mark: WebForms MVC Web API When I mark MVC + We ... + Web API in the same project or is it better to separate MVC from Web API into different projects within the same Solution?