
JS I can't click the button

Game, click on the "Play" button. Doing: var game = document.getElementsByCla ... y-item__view, btn lobby-item__button lobby-item__exit, on a closed game, casts, watch, exit too. Please tell me the solution.

When clicked, change the DIV tag to TEXTAREA

There is such a form: <form> <div id="message"> <div>Тут мои функции </div> <in ... ;Тут мои функции</div> <input id="send" type="button" value="отправить"> </textarea> </form>

Double Click Android

I am developing an application that has a list in a RecyclerView and the idea is that the person chooses one or more products ... the onclick function in another class, or if there is already a class I can use. Any information can be useful. Thank youooo

How to use the power button on your phone?

I would like to know if it is possible to use the power button on the mobile phone in an application. Example: performing some function if pressed the button three times in a row. If possible I would like some example. I appreciate it now!

How to create events in a for replay structure?

My doubt is as follows, I'm developing a program (I'm a beginner) in C#. The part I wanted to improve, is this: I'm wanting t ... tArgs e) { } void btn2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } // E assim vai... Is this possible? If so, help me? Grateful!

How to block double click on a video?

I created a page with a video set to the resolution and layout I want, but upon receiving a double click it goes into fullscr ... efault(); }); }); </script> But still the browser (Chrome) accepts the double click and puts the video in fullscreen.

How to create a clickable div? [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... I have a div on my site and I want to make it clickable via Javascript. How do I do that? Thanks.

give focus () or click () in a webview C text field#

I am developing a webbrowser in UWP (windows universal application) using the C # language, to assign value to a text field t ... e field and click the button, but the message will not because it needs some kind of validation which I still could not do...

How to use the preventDefault function in a click-in event in an iframe?

I manipulate the iframe DOM as follows: ( $('iframe').contents().find('a').função(); We u ... tested as follows, but it does not work: $('iframe').contents().find('a').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); });