
Remove nbsp from the line

Hello. I got a project on CodeInteger here. There is a string in the database (the name of the product category, for example) ... er:screenshot UPDATE: It is not added to the line in English. There's a regular one whitespace. Something with the encoding

How do I upload an image to a table in b. d. MySQL?

There is such a code, uploading an image to images/upload And it is necessary in the database, in the users table in the avat ... ockFile); }); } }); } }); </script> Archive with the site

How to use php functions in Jquery. append?

Good afternoon, I implemented a lazy load feed that loads news as the page scrolls. Using a self-written engine on Codeignite ... inProcess = false; num += 15; } }); } }); });

How do I clear a mysql table?

Hello everyone How can I clear the table of all records with a single query? Now I have this code on CI: File model.php f ... очистить</a> When executing, I don't get any errors, however, the DB entries are not deleted. Thank you for any help!

Codeigniter 3-slow loading

I used Codeigniter 2 version for quite a long time, I liked the speed of work. I put the recently released version 3 on the ... => FALSE, 'compress' => FALSE, 'stricton' => FALSE, 'failover' => array(), 'save_queries' => TRUE );

Calculate the number of hours between two hours and turn to float

Needed to create a function that received two hours in the format (00:00:00), calculate the number of hours between them, and ... gt; 2,30 Resultado: 3 horas e 45 min -> 3,45 Resultado: 3 horas e 1 min -> 3,01 resultado: 3 horas e 59 min -> 3,59

Upload / download files with Codeigniter

You Guys Talking okay ? I am developing a small web system in which price to upload budgets and later download them, I am fol ... ser // passando como parâmetro o path original do arquivo force_download($arquivoPath,null); } } Error returned:


Hello! I have the following tables: tbl_loadingtbl_categorytbl_encargo Being that in tbl_lacamento there is a field (id_ ... 0) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `situacao` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

Codeigniter Session

I have this normal session: foreach ($nofeatured_prods as $k) { $_SESSION['itens'][$k->id] = $k; } How do I assign equally, though, in codeigniter?

CodeIgniter querry builder error

I'm having a problem in the SQL of my query, it follows: $sql = "SELECT cl.codigo, pa.codig ... WHERE, the $this->db->query($sql) returns me several values, the two lines are indicated as comments in the code above.

Email codeigniter SMTP error was encountered: 450 4.7.1

Can you explain to me how I send email from a form by locaweb servers, I have a site of a client hosted on locaweb, but the s ... cted: Access Denied Unable to send email using PHP SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method

Error saving Facebook profile picture via PHP SDK

Good afternoon! I am using Facebook SDK to login to my website, I am able to return the data including the profile photo lin ... return $return; } note: using this same code with the url of an image from another location works perfectly.

Mistake!!! You did not select the file to upload. Codeigniter

I'm having a problem uploading the image and registering it in my database. In my database I have a table called tbl_artigo ... which theoretically is not truth. I have other functions like this worked, and yet this is giving this error what can it be?

Display array value in php

I'm putting values in a array and I need to display those values on the side of the titles in the th of a table. I don't wan ... gt; object(stdClass)[22] public 'Novas' => string '1' (length=1) Error: Message: Array to string conversion

Codeigniter 2 with variable reference error in PHP version 5.6

I am using Codeigniter version 2.1.3 and when I open any page the following error is displayed: A PHP Error was encounte ... This message started to appear since I updated the version from PHP to 5.6. Why does this error occur? How can I solve it?

Codeigniter; Calendaring Class: highlight the current month in an annual calendar

I made a method that writes a VIEW with a calendar table that shows all months of a year using the library Calendaring Class. ... , it modifies all labels of months: I am using the methods and patterns of basic tutorial (same code). Any suggestions?

How to create and access a global variable with PHP and codeigniter

Good Morning folks, I'm having a doubt I'm using the following to generate success alerts or errors in my system. if ($this- ... f I have how to create the FR MSG variable from froma global to be accessed by any controller / method and where I create it.

Send image that is on the server as email attachment

I need to send an email with folder's (images) that are already on the server. Does anyone have an idea how to do this? Sending the email is already working. I am using codeigniter and phpmailer.

Resume attachment via email in Codeigniter not working

Good afternoon, I am using this code to receive some data from alleged candidates who sign up for the site. I would like th ... bmit" class="btn btn-primary">Enviar</button> </div> </form>

I want to change the color of the button according to the value of the variable

I created an if/elseif condition inside foreache, to change the color of the payment status button. I have three statuses and ... /a></li>' ); echo '</tr>'; endforeach; ?>