
Connection test

I have an application that will send some packets to the server. I would like to before sending, check if the server is ava ... 3G? Or what is the best way to do this test? I don't care if I have an internet connection, but if the HOST is responding!

SQL SERVER connection String for Classic ASP

How do I create a connection string for the classic ASP to connect with the Microsoft SQL Server Database

exceeded the 'max user connections' resource

I'm not sure what the reason for the error I'm having but it seems to be something about open connections in the bank, where ... } Error Message returned: Is there any way to increase this limit? Or another solution that does not limit connections?

How to establish a P2P connection?

In a normal connection, the recipient must have an open port on the router (transmitting to a computer on the internal networ ... e is no open port on the router (as usually happens) (it does not necessarily need the code, only the concept is sufficient)

Connect MySql C#

I have a MYSQL bank on a UOLHOST shared hosting, I can connect to the bank by Visual Studio Server Explorer normally: But w ... ve_password' failed with message: Access denied for user 'barc' @ '' (using password: YES Can anyone help me?

Effective internet connection test

I have an application in which I do a connection test before consulting a webservice, precisely to display a message for user ... accept pings. I try all this questioning, what would be the most effective way to test if it exists an internet connection?

Is it possible to connect an application made in C to some database?

We usually use files to save data using language C (I at least). Is it possible to connect a relational database to some application made in C ? If so, does it take some library for this and how is this connection made? Preferably MySQL.

Lack of connection to server via HttpURLConnection

I have an application that queries a URL through the following method within a AsyncTask: try { HttpURLConnecti ... tops, closes ProgressDialog and thus warns the user that the action could not be completed or that the URL is out of the air?

It was not possible to connect: no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused them

I'm trying to connect to my database. This is easyphp webserver 14.1. Follows the php code for connection. <?php $ ... or die('Não foi possivel conectar: '.mysql_error()); $selecao = mysql_select_db($BANCO);?> Follows the error message:

What is the difference between socket and Port?

Developing a service-oriented app, I came across the following question: What is the difference between Port and socket within the computational framework?

Get redirected link internally in android app

Aloha I am developing an Android app to automatically log in to the wifi network, but I have encountered a barrier. In the ... o this and can provide me with a source code to perform the function, that would be great. For more information, please ask.

How to check connection band of a server [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... termines the bandwidth available to a single customer in são paulo? Is there any tool that I can do this check? Thank you.

Database connection error.MDF C # Visual Studio

App.Config <connectionStrings> <add name="conn" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLExpress;AttachDbFil ... .PreTranslateMessage(MSG& msg) ClientConnectionId:5f545993-bd51-42bf-870b-e3af757265b7 Error Number:948,State:1,Class:20

Database connection instance

Galley, I have a problem which is as follows, my database connection class is a Singleton. It happens that if the server fall ... try to run a resultset thence gives exception. How can I make the connection class instance know that the server has crashed?

Mostar image if you are without internet connection

Show an image if the device is out of internet connection Good afternoon gentlemen I'm new to Android programming, I'm usin ... WebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); leve.loadUrl(""); } } I hope it was clear Thank you for now

How to advertise server IP on the network?

I am developing an application consisting of a server made in NodeJS that should provide data in JSON to clients, in case an ... ing power. Is there any faster or better way to "advertise" the IP of the server on the network so that clients can connect?

How to exchange data between a mobile (android) and another device through Bluetooth communication?

How can I connect and disconnect with any device via Bluetooth communication and then exchange (send and/or receive) data?

Error in string when connecting sql server database remotely

I am new to C # and am trying to remotely connect my application with a SQL Server bank that is on another PC... On this PC t ... XPRESS;DATABASE=Sistema;Integrated Security=SSPI"); conn.Open(); return conn; } } }

Error accessing RStudio

I'm trying to access RStudio and I get this error: refused to connect. Experiments: Check the connection Check p ... ============================================================= How do I fix this? Is my localhost another ? Or what can it be?

Connection to MySQL database in Python

Trying to perform the connection to my database, but it is returning me the following error! Exception has occurred: Attr ... xão mysql = '''\ SELECT * FROM ft_venda ''' cursor = connection.execute(mysql) for Tabela in cursor: print(Tabela)