
Smart form in laravel 7 in the Blade(Form::select) & Controller template

Good afternoon dear masters of their craft! There was a task to make a drop-down menu that would open additional options, for ... w what to do, I've been trying for a week now, I've read a lot, but nothing good has come to my mind. Thank you in advance!

How can I find out the URL from where the request came from in the Spring controller?

How can I find out the URL of the page from which the request came in the Spring MVC web application controller? @Controller ... rameter to the controller. BUT I really want to know exactly the Best Practice for this task. How to handle it beautifully?

JavaFX FXML, what is the Controller for?

The lessons about FXML talk about the benefits and advantages of separating the interface and logic in programs, but there is ... the logic and interface classes) . What is its idea, what function does it perform? What is the advantage of this approach?

Send a list with multiple items to the controller

Well, I'm facing the following problem in a project I'm working on: how to pass a list with approx. 500~1000 lines from View ... and recording one-by-one. Work. However, the user must have the power to submit only when he is sure of the selected lines...

Foreach in Laravel only returns the first row

I have the following code below in Laravel 7 My controller is picking up the relationship of many to one as per the Model b ... "value": "Listar dados" }, { "id": 7, "value": "Excluir dados" } ] }

Express validator in controller

Hello. I use express validator in nodejs and am having a validation problem. While I was validating directly through the rout ... ="submit" value="Enviar"> </form> </body> </html> How can I do for this validation work properly?

What is the function and how to use controllers in Laravel

I'm learning Laravel through a channel, and I was in doubt... How should I create my Controllers? As far as I understand, the ... it clear, I'm new to programming and I really liked the framework Laravel, for the things it does together with PHP Artisan

List of objects getting null in the Controller

I have a doubt and I hope someone can help me. It turns out that I am not being able to send objects from my peer View to the ... TBMETRICA TBMETRICA { get; set; } public virtual TBPLANEJAMENTO TBPLANEJAMENTO { get; set; } } I appreciate the help.

Save multiple data in Laravel [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ; $Boleto->save(); $cont=$cont+1; } } I am a beginner, what is the best method to save this data?