
"network failure" when downloading PDF generated with PHP FPDF class in Google Chrome

I have com reports generated in PHP (version 5.6) / FPDF (Version 1.7) that are normally displayed in the browser window. ... not make much sense. Would anyone have any ideas or suggestions how to resolve this error or what could be causing the same?

Break line in a cell of PHP'S FPDF class?

I would like to know how I can insert a line break with the FPDF of the PHP. I am putting the following code: $pdf->Cell ... PDF. Inserting another Cell below the first, with the continuation of the text is also an option, but I'm not managing to do.

FPDF PHP pagination

I'm having a hard time doing a pagination. Receives the data from the report in array format, ai I have to make a foreach t ... $linha_atual++; } } return $pdf->Output("relatorio.pdf", "I"); } }

How to import FPDF content to Zend2?

I am creating a budget page with Zend 2, to print with FPDF. The problem is that I don't know how to import. The error is ... ere the Controller snippet: public function imprimirAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); }

FPDF - I need to customize the text that will be printed [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... $pdf->MultiCell( 190, 6, "Caro $nome [b]CONTRATADA</b>"); $pdf->Output(); ?>

Image.png in Jasper report [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... the background is not transparent as in one .png, someone had this problem and managed solve? Suggestions from other tools...

generate and send email with pdf file attached with php

In my PHP script, I need to generate a PDF file and send it via email. I have already been able to send an attached file by e ... winscp server). $pdf->Output('f', 'arquivao.pdf'); $mail->AddAttachment('arquivao.pdf'); $enviado = $mail->Send();

Output error in FPDF - PHP

I have a report that I generate using the FPDF class. While I was developing it on my local machine it was all a wonder, now ... include "inc/login.php"; } ?> </div> </body> </html>