
Graphs in python using tkinter

Tell me please. I have a code where the parameter "a" is entered, and when the button is clicked, a graph is output. But it i ... 0) lbl10 = Label(window, text="", font=("Arial Bold", 10), padx=5, pady=5) = 100, y = 100) window.mainloop()

Model for QListView with checkboxes and text

There is QListView, its filling is done by QStandardItemModel. The list contains elements, each of which has a text and a che ... newstate = Qt::Unchecked; } ui_->descr->model()->setData(index, QVariant(newstate), Qt::CheckStateRole); }

How to create GUI forms in IDEA correctly?

I'm trying to create a form in IDEA using the default plugin. IDE version 11.0.1. I do this: Creating a project. I create a ... se)); } } The application does not start, error: Cannot resolve method. The lines generated by IDEA are highlighted.

Qt Thread + Gui (multithreaded application with interface)

Hello everyone, I will be very grateful to anyone who will help to deal with this problem. Recently I started studying thread ... интаксис - проверить, правильно ли удаляются массивы? delete [] resDTtZ; delete [] resRvOkik; loadAllIDPl(); }

JavaFX-when calling functions that take a long time to execute, an error occurs "The Java platform does not work "

Hello, I am writing an application in java. As a GUI I use JavaFX (I will say right away that there is no such problem when u ... (" + e + ")"); } System.out.println("завершено " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); } });

Are there any libraries for GUI development in Java other than JavaFX and Swing?

I've been studying Java relatively recently and started thinking about writing an application with a GUI. If I want to write ... tinue to learn Java, or is it better to switch to a more suitable language for this? If so, which one is better to switch to?

JavaFX and filling ComboBox with objects

There is a class Street, with a description of an object of the "street" type, which contains itself private String name;, pr ... t it seems to me that it is possible to solve it through passing objects, and not just strings. In tables, this method works.

Java GUI

How is the GUI implemented in Java? Is it only via javax.swing?

Standard libraries for GUI in C++

Switching from Java to C++. In Java there were standard libraries like AWT, Swing, JavaFX for creating user interfaces. What is there for this in C++?

How to create a gui for Linux in c#?

There is a task to write a graphical program for Linux. Before that, I wrote only on WinForms. I read that under Linux for c# ... tk version 3.20 has already been released. Is there any other solution for Linux or is it possible to work with gtk# somehow?

How do I catch and handle a TextField content change event?

There is a JavaFX project. The interface is described in an FXML file containing a TextField object: <TextField fx:id="fi ... y through some sort of specifying a handler method in the FXML itself right away (as with" onInputMethodTextChanged " tried).

Working with two listbox objects in the Tkinter module

I created a simple program with two lists, and I select the elements in them. I want to ensure that one item is selected in b ... ) l1.pack() l1.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", Get) l.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", Get) r.mainloop()

Modal popup window in Android

There is a task to make a pop-up window of a special design. I made a design, created a class for Popup Windows. Now you need ... android:id="@+id/close_button"/> </GridLayout> </LinearLayout> </GridLayout>

PHP calculator

There is a "task" There are two inputs(places where to enter values) You can enter it there in different number systems We ... base_convert($convert,10,12); c("ec8")->caption = base_convert($convert,10,16); c("ec6")->caption = $convert;

Java GUI component display problem

I am writing an application using Java / Swing and I also encountered a problem: When displaying a JFrame, the components are ... apg = new AllPosts_GUI(); jFrame.getContentPane().add(apg); jFrame.pack(); jFrame.setVisible(true); } }

How do I draw a 2D user interface in a game on top of 3D?

I created a 3D game like Minecraft in Java using the LWJGL library. I can also move around the world, look up, look down, loo ... say I drew these squares in Paint and saved them in the panel.png file, but how do I display it? Write a sample source code.

Double-click to launch a jar file

Good time of day. What's the problem: There are GUI applications written in Java. Applications are presented as a jar file. ... mouse click worked-Java (TM) Platform (binary) is also selected. Please tell us what the problem may be and how to solve it.

Python calculator with tkinter.

import tkinter from tkinter import * root = Tk() numbers = Entry(root, width = 2) number2 = Entry(root, width = 2) key_plus ... y", line 1705, in __call__ return self.func(*args) TypeError: plusnumes() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given

Problem with JavaFX connection in intellij IDEA

Good afternoon, I'm new to programming, got as far as learning JavaFX. But there were some problems. IDEA doesn't see no ... lly installed, I tried to create a project using both Java and JavaFX -- useless. Screenshot attached Thank you in advance

What is Event-Dispatching Thread (EDT) in graphical interfaces?

When you are learning to build graphical interfaces with swing/AWT, you hear a lot about the Event-Dispatching thread (or EDT ... ese. From this I question: What is EDT and how it does it work while running a graphical interface built using swing / AWT?