
IDE for Python that has GUI modeling

I wanted to know if there is an IDE to program in Python that provides a tool to assemble a GUI more easily, preferably that has versions for Linux and Windows.

Should error messages apologize?

It is common to encounter an error message that says: " Sorry, you are not allowed to access this function. Contact your admi ... uld be voted negative. Information that clearly indicates and justifies what the reason for the use, or not, is constructive.

What do the terms MDI and SDI mean in relation to the software interface?

What do the terms MDI (Multiple Document Interface) and SDI (Single Document Interfaces) mean in relation to the software interface? I read about it, but I am still confused about the terms, perhaps for lack of examples. What are these patterns?

PaintComponent () method deleting images in JFrame

I need to generate a map according to a txt file that I receive as input. Each font in my TXT file corresponds to a terrain t ... mage(terra.get(numAleatorio), 48, y, this); I just can't do this because the type of terrain depends on the letters in txt

C++ - How to create a window in windows

I am starting to program for windows using C++ and the DevC++program. How do I create a common window?

What are the current languages used to develop applications for Windows?

What languages are currently used for Windows application development? I would like to know those that have dependencies, su ... art developing for Windows Desktop. Encouraged by this question: What programming language to create Android applications?

Python 3: Tkinter-background image does not exist, "pyimage1" doesn't exist

My Code to display a background image: from tkinter import * def entrar(): #Janela Principal janela = T ... TclError: image "pyimage1" doesn't exist** Note: The enter() function is a command for a button to open this "saved"window.

GUI automation with python

Next, I want to start a project to create a bot for a specific Android game in python, for this, I use an emulator, nox. My i ... sleep(5) posx, posy, height, wight = pyautogui.locateOnScreen(r"Images\Icon.png") pyautogui.moveTo(posx + 10, posy + 10, 1)

User interface planning

I have tried to develop the layout part of some applications, but the only criterion I have always used was to check if it is ... a considered? What are the points I need to raise to be able to make more accurate decisions in the development of a layout ?

What is ergonomics?

1) What does the concept or meaning of ergonomics? 2) What are the features that a software must have to be considered ergonomic?

JOptionPane, example?

Well, JOptionPane needs all these add-ons: JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parentComponent, message, title, op ... an example of all these correctly filled add-ons? Because I don't know what parentComponent is, I don't know how to use icon.

What is ActionListener for? [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... ib swing). Because I'm having a little trouble understanding,so I would like practical examples of how to use such a method.

Error fetching / searching attribute on a vector

In this program I can Insert the object quietly in my vector with the method (adder), but after I can not fetch the string ... public void setSit(String sit){ situacao=sit; } public String getSit(){ return situacao; } }

Window closing automatically PySimpleGUI

I'm having a problem with PySimpleGUI. The program is returning the correct value in the output, but when I click the button ... ura - 6.8*idade elif(feminino == True): tmb = 665 + 9.6*peso + 1.8*altura - 4.7*idade print(str(tmb)+" Kcal")