
Progress Bar in Qt5 (python)

I make the application in a completely different style from windows, that is, I make the style of all widgets my own, using ... -just as a an example of what I want (the goal is just to make it out of a png file (s), no matter what kind of image it is)

Tkinter window background image

How can I set the background image of the entire window in Tkinter? So that all the buttons are on top of

Combine python (gui) and C++

I have a program that works with files, everything is ready except for the interface, I could easily finish it in C++, but th ... is running out. Is it possible to make an interface in Python, and functions in C++? Well, somehow from Python to call them?

3D model animation in Python

I have an application on PyQt and I want to add a window with animation 3D models. I have the rig of this model, the model an ... ;/string> </property> </widget> </widget> <resources/> <connections/> </ui>

How do I change the text color in QLabel?

There is QLabel, how do I change the text color in RGB? self.Label = QtWidgets.QLabel("", self) self.Label.move(50, 30) self.Label.resize(421, 41)

Why does qApp. quit () require two calls from QDialog?

There is a code containing the main window and the dialog box. The dialog box starts immediately after the main one, because ... ui.setupUi(MainWindow) dlg = Ui_Dialog(MainWindow.x(), MainWindow.y()) dlg.exec() sys.exit(app.exec_())

C / C++ - creating a GUI

Recently, I wanted to start my own project, I have an idea-but the question arose with the implementation, in particular with ... my question: what you need to know and what you need to learn to start writing a GUI in C++ with pom. Visual Studio? Thanks!

Where can I write Python 3 programs with the interface?

I'm new to YAP Python. The second month of training. I learned all the basics, etc., I want more. Where I can write programs in python with the interface? Is there anything similar to Visual Basic? Thank you in advance

Creating an equalizer on PySide2

I searched everywhere on the Internet, I can't figure out QtMultimedia and QtCharts.QBarSeries(). I need to create a chart a ... into the audio player so that there is an animation of the chart when playing, i.e. I need an equalizer. I write on PySide2

The qt license.Is writing a program in free qt for sale illegal?

After 3-4 (ex) days of trying to find a free windows GUI design tool for c++.(curb visual windows forms for example)I decide ... a qt license)Is that so?Can anyone explain in simple language how the qt license works, and or suggest an alternative option?

How to make a progress bar for downloading files from the internet in python for pyqt5 GUI

You need to write a script that will install the file from the Internet by clicking on the button, but it should be a progres ...' file_name = '' thread = Thread(target=download_file, args=(url, file_name)) thread.start()

How do I implement a slider that controls when an mp3 file is playing?(PyQt 5, Python 3)

I've seen some examples where QSlider was created that was bound to QMediaPlayer. But these examples were complicated by vari ... sys.argv) window = MyWindow() window.setWindowTitle('MP3-player, PyQt5') sys.exit(app.exec_())

Interface for python

I have an instagram bot written in selenium. In Qt Designer I made an interface for it, but I can't connect it in any way. H ... _ == '__main__': app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) mywin = GUI() sys.exit(app.exec_())

Window without PyQt5 frames via QtDesigner

Creating a form via QtDesigner from the PySide library. I save the form as *.ui файл, then run this file through pyside-uic t ... deUTF8)) self.label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "TextLabel", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))

Options for creating a GUI in windows in C++

I recently started learning C++ on windows, and now I am very interested to learn from experienced people-what ways to create ... ry software? I know about the existence of Qt, but it does not suit me. (Cross-platform is not important, my goal is windows)

directory tree, and list of files in PyQt5

Need to insert a directory tree, and a list of files, in the application on PyQt5, I did not find it in the documentation. Ma ... print(a.text()) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = App() sys.exit(app.exec_())```

How to draw an N-terminal star Qpainter

How to draw N-the final star, which is always in the center of the parent block through QPainter, knowing only the radius of the circumscribed circle?

insertColumns (QAbstractTableModel) does not work correctly)

Encountered a problem: when trying to add a column after adding it N-rows(in my example 2), it turns out that: Fig.1. Added ... on2.clicked.connect(lambda: model.insertRows(0, 2)) button2.move(100, 200) sys.exit(app.exec_())

Search by name using the Powershell GUI in Active Directory

Good afternoon dear forum users. Please help me with the following question. I am trying to create a GUI application in Power ... и кнопки .... $Form.Add_Shown({$Form.Activate()}) [void] $Form.ShowDialog()``` [1]:

First steps in learning GUI in C++ [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... arting with it. So here is the actual question: Why is it better? get started? Maybe someone has literature or video lessons.