
Error 0x80070021 when enabling an application in IIS 7.5 in windows 7

Error content: The requested page is not available due to an incorrect data configuration for this page.This configuration s ... reading the configuration file for the web server or web application. Handlers is highlighted in red. Help me fix the error.

IIS Express does not start again in Visual Studio 2019

In general, there is a website that I run in Visual Studio. The first time everything clearly starts, and if you restart th ... u set the Project URL to the same port as the project that starts repeatedly, then everything is clear... Why can this be so?

Nginx Proxy 502 Bad Gateway

I have a web server on IIS 7.5, which has been working properly for many years, but there is a problem that this version of I ... } if ($scheme = http) { proxy_pass; } } } }

"Failure when receiving data from the peer" in the Windows event log

Good time of day! Widnows Server 2016. IIS 10. Can you tell me where and how I can track the "Failure when receiving data ... nted to track down the problem. The maximum request size in the IIS settings has already been increased, as well as timeout.

Google Chrome and IE11 give an error when downloading a text file

When migrating a web server ASP.Net Web Forms applications from a single phys.users of Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 11 ... me nor FireFox changes. In the "MIME Types" settings of the ASP application in IIS - .txt text/plain Унаследовано

the server responds with a redirect to the request robots.txt. Redirect via web. config

I can't find the right solution. Yandex says that the file robots.txt must be excluded from the redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. ... </rule> </rules> </rewrite> </system.webServer> </configuration>

The process cannot access the file (Exception HRESULT: 0x80070020)

When trying to start a site in IIS, an error window appears: The process cannot access the file because the file is occu ... he problem. Yes, I understand that the error is in IIS, but just in case I checked. I don't have an antivirus on my computer.

The Excel file is not created by the application ASP.NET

WinServer 2016 (Windows 10) + IIS 10 + MS Office 2010. The app asp.net can't create and / or save an Excel file (txt file t ... If this option does not help, try changing the environment variables (system variables). and custom) temp and tmp on c:\temp

Problem when working with IIS database

I published my project in IIS. When working with the database, it returns the following error :" The RefsDB database requeste ... " Please tell me in which direction to dig or the algorithm for solving this problem. P.S. DB - MSSQL. Project - ASP.NET.

Classic ASP server wheel ASP.NET?

I have a whole site made in Classic ASP and hosted on a provider. My client - who is a multinational-wants to put their webs ... bal support-and it is not guaranteed that it will run-that they will refuse to make the adjustments to run claiming anything.

How to publish site made in Visual Studio?

I created a site in MVC in Visual Studio 2017. I want to know how to generate the necessary files pro site work and in which folder I should include them.

PHP version without phpinfo () or phpversion()

Does anyone know how to check the php version without using method return? I looked at php.ini and there also does not have m ... ual version that is installed? Publication IIs(6 )... How do you know that way? I googled but didn't find anything useful...

Site opens but does not load cs, js, png files etc

I made migration from VS2012 to VS2017, and in my solution I have 3 sites, 2 of which I run and have no problem and in the ot ... re information " Someone knows how to solve this. I've been back from this for 2 days and I haven't found a solution yet.

How to run a PHP application in IIS?

I have a website in PHP that I want to install in IIS (Apache for Windows is not an option). It will not run naturally as a ... windows.php.net , but I still have to configure IIS to interpret the application in PHP using these DLLs. How do I do that?

Error adding IIS in windows 7

I'm trying to add IIS 10.0 on my Windows 7 Ultimate(64x), but when I go on Enable and disable Windows features and appears written on the wait screen... but then it returns me a totally white screen without can add the IIS

IIs-capture user logged in to the machine without using Windows Authentication

I have a website that uses the user logged in to the computer to validate which features he will have access to within the si ... dentity.Name; How do I capture the user logged in to the machine without requesting login / password in the first access.

How to enable IIs in windows 10?

I'm trying to install the IIS in windows 10, the installation did not complete and does not show any errors. Has anyone ever been through this?

Error running project in Visual Studio 2015-Process with an id 7256 is not running

I'm trying to run a project I developed and this error is happening. Process with an id 7256 is not running. What should I do to fix this problem.

Deny / hide access to files that begin with DOT, such as.git,.svn,.DS Store,.yml

By default Apache denies access to files whose name begins with .ht, such as .htaccess: <Files ~ "^\.ht"> Require ... nfiguration files? If this is the case then I would swap it for a "group" of file types: (^|/)\.(git|gitignore|yml|svn)$

C # MVC 4-action gives Error 404 [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... page, except when I try to send an email through the Contact page. Does anyone have any idea what it might be?! Thank you!!