
Zebra printer barcode error

When printing on the zebra RW 420 printer using EPL language, the barcode is displayed with a black stripe in the middle, as ... , 4, 70, N, \ "43597089874000107000000000665421047 \" Only the 1st (highlighted in bold) presents the black stripe problem.

How to print directly without opening the browser dialog box?

I am developing a web system where I need to print a label and a non-tax voucher after submitting a certain form. To perform ... t force the user to use only a specific browser. Is there any other way to do this printing with PHP, Node.JS or javascript?

Matrix printer does not reconfigure paper size

I am using a matrix printer, for receipt printing. I installed the same as generic text only. But I send the print, it recogn ... e != null ) e.HasMorePages = true; else e.HasMorePages = false; } }

How to print two images on two different pages at once?

Hello! I can print a panel (pnlPrint) through the following code. But, I am not able to print a datagridview that already be ... ableArea; e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp1, bounds1.Left, bounds1.Top, 1118, 855); e.HasMorePages = false; }

Print PDF file using PrintDocument

I am developing an application, Console Application in Visual Studio 2015, that its function is to print documents. I can p ... thods to print a pdf, I can even print, but they are unreadable code, as if it could not read the contents of the pdf itself.

Number of columns in Matrix and thermal printers [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... nts a copy of the file, while in the matrix printer it could be printed side by side to save paper (if the sheet was larger).

Image printing on Datamax printer with C#

Good Morning! I have a label printing system on the Datamax printer that is done in C#. I need to generate the printing of a ... as sb.AppendLine("E" + cr);//termina a formatação da etiqueta e imprime Right now, grateful for your attention.

Bluetooth and Android printer [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... printing feature some time ago, but I can't find it nothing about sending print orders natively to these devices. Any light?

Error trying to print document: RPC server is not available

I made a software where one of the pages can be printed. On some computers it works normally and prints the page in PDF witho ... ntPaint(ev.Graphics, myRec); //ev.Graphics.DrawString("Line after chart", printFont, Brushes.Black, 500, 500); }

JAVA-is there any way to send a Windows Pro Spool print?

I would like to know if there is any way to send a Windows Spooler pro print via java... I tried via Socket, PrintWriter and everything else, but I can not send Pro Spool, just directly to the printer!!!!

Edit Zebra printer file ".LBL " Java

I'm having a problem that is the following, I have a system where the user will upload a standard label, Made in Zebra Design ... Notepad++. . - Error said above. How would I edit a tag, creating own tags for replacement in the default tag, in Java?

Error " settings to access the printer '"' are not valid."

I have an application ASP.Net MVC that makes product sale and printing of this sale we work with several brands of thermal pr ... ror occurs in the following Line: printDoc.Print(); Do not reach or enter the method. Has anyone been through this?

How to print any document by cmd?

Is there any way to print a document (of format .docx or .pdf preferably) using a Windows cmd command line? I tried using print but it results in an error that says"cannot boot usb002 device(printer)"

Print Spool monitoring

I am trying to make an application that monitors my printer and when the user sends a print, of whatever program it is, it ca ... frmMonitor2 novoMonitor = new frmMonitor2(); novoMonitor.Show(); } } } Could anyone help me?

Remove printer and driver

I have the following code: private void btnDeletar_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string nomeImpressora = nu ... oved, but, the drive does not, if it does not remove the drive, using the Win32_PrinterDriver class is it possible to remove?

IF to set default printer via batch

We are revamping the company's machine park here and the new machines came with Windows 10, unlike the Windows 7 we used befo ... tprinter ) The individual commands to set the printer as default work, so I believe it is something in my If that is wrong.

How to download a font for Zebra printer using ZPL?

I am trying to download a new font for Zebra (GC420t) using ZPL. This is the code I use for this job .: teste + = "~ DYR: Op ... "^ XZ" 'Gravar o documento What happens: this font was not found and the printer is using the default font Model: GC420t

Paper cutting (trigger guillotine) on Bematech MP-4200 th [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... How to make the Bematech MP-4200 th (non-tax) printer cut paper at the end of printing in a Java application?

How to print on Android via a bluetooth printer?

I've been searching and found nothing about printing on Android via a bluetooth printer. Is it possible to do this? Is there any library or SDK?

Format layout for printing on Zebra printer

I managed to print on a zebra RW 420 printer, but I do not know how to format the texts, I looked at the documentation to sen ... til.internal.StringUtilities$1', referenced from method com.zebra.sdk.util.internal.StringUtilities.convertKeyValueJsonToMap