
What is the linux text editor command that I can see output in real time?

What is the linux text editor command that I can see output in real time? For example I want to give a " vim " in the access log of my apache I want to see the GET entering the log in real time what is the parameter I use ?

When to write logs to database?

I participate in a team that is developing an application using Zend framework 2 and MySQL database. We need to develop a log ... id to save the logs to bank and the table gets too big. So my question: when it is indicated to write logs in the database?

When should I use each log level in Android Studio?

There are different levels of log in Android Studio, which maybe, I say maybe, isn't much different in other IDEs.basically i ... types are VERBOSE,DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and ASSERT. What does each of these mean? In what situations should I use them?

Log generation with NLog?

I am using NLog, and for each client logged into the system I would like to create a behavior for log generation as follows: ... there is one file per day for each client. is it possible to do this? I searched for tutorials but found nothing like it.

How to use ob flush () function to return data to browser animatedly?

I need a help, I have email sending system, I need to know what is happening in the process back-end a log that returns to ... s-bar type I've read about a few things about ob_start(), ob_flush() but I did not understand very well, can anyone help me ?

Eclipse does not enter-generates boot error log

After updating and installing some components in Eclipse neon, it does not enter and starts generating the log below: ... cher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:610) at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:1519) Can anyone help me fix this?

Know when the computer was turned on / off / stopped

I wanted to know when the computer was turned on, turned off or was interrupted. If I turned on my computer, from today's dat ... s I am in 0001. If the date is wrong then it means that the time is too. And also, the two variables are with the same value.

Value passed in pattern tag keys for class name

I am studying about the Logback to implement in my company system, and in the tag pattern I have the following: [%d{yyyy-MM ... n, but found nothing. Can anyone help me? These are some examples of outputs that Note: br.com.sosimple.App App b.c.s.App