
Input Mascara with zeros on the left

I have an input of the numeric type, which should only receive numbers (obvious) . However, some browsers let the user type ... lass="form-control" autofocus pattern="[0-9]*" inputmode="numeric" min="0" max="9999" name="number" />

Monetary Mascara with jquery.inputmask

How do I create a mask for a monetary value? I'm using this: $(".ValoresItens").inputmask('R$ 999.999.999,99', { numericInput: true}); Looked like this: R_____.____._25,00 But I didn't like these underlines, I wanted it to be dynamic.

Mask with Jquery changing from fixed to mobile or vice versa

I have a jQuery mask for phone, depending on the amount of information the User Type I understand if it is mobile or landline ... utting the size > 13 before, how do you make this comparison? or some other solution. obs.: I use the jQuery mask plugin.

Input mask

I'm having trouble creating a mask for license plate input. The license plates are formed by 4 or 5 digits, hyphen , 1 digit ... ure Javascript. The site then does not have jQuery, so I do not want to have to add the jQuery and a plugin mask for this.

How does the ER look to mask an alphanumeric code?

I need to mask a 13-character alphanumeric code field as the user types, separated by Hyphen, such as: 0df7m3-R34X21 I am u ... plied as follows: function mask_code(valor) { valor = valor.replace('ER', '$1-$2'); return valor; } Grateful for the help.

Error in the money mask, saved with the right digits but at the time of displaying 2 digits are missing

Colleagues! When I save the product gets the correct digits as on the screen above. However, when I enter the list of pro ... ed(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { } }

Input with CPF / CNPJ mask being changed by keys like TAB and ENTER

Good Morning guys. I have an input where this is typed a value and as the size of this receives the mask of CPF or CNPJ. The ... al(currentValue); }); }) I am using this plugin: / Thank you for any help provided.

How to apply Dynamic Mascara in input on angular?

I'm using Angular 8, mascara example would be landline and mobile phone. I.e. count the amount of characters and apply such ... m-control" formControlName='telefone' mask="(00) 0 0000-0000"> </ng-template> </div>


I have a component where I need the input to have the mask for cpf or cnpj according to the data input. I'm using ng-mask, bu ... it does not get to run the second mask according to what is entered by the user. Would anyone know how to solve this impasse?

Vue - how to apply a dynamic 'V-mask' directive, with data and without data?

I am using the V-mask directive, but the data of the component is dynamic, so at certain times I use the component with mask ... om 'vue-the-mask'; directives: { mask } getMask() { return this.schema.attributesTextField.mask || 'XX'; }

How to disable the ZIP code mask to save only the numbers entered when making a Post - MVC

I'm using a Remark component that has a data-plugin="formatter" in which it applies a zip mask to field. The field has a size ... for the mask not to be written, but in app web I do not know if it has how. Does anyone know how to help me? Big hug!!! :)

Limit an EditText from 1 to 100 and include the symbol "%"

I'm making an application that takes the data entered in a EditText and does a certain calculation. The problem is that I ne ... al = new MaskTextWatcher(percentual, simpleMaskPercentual); percentual.addTextChangedListener( maskPercentual ); } }