
Does programming in English conflict with building a ubiquitous language?

I have found on the internet some arguments in favor of programming in English, rather than programming in Portuguese, and ev ... ubiquitous language? To establish a ubiquitous language and use it in development should we "do everything in one language"?

Table and column nomenclature

For at least four years I have been working with the following table and column nomenclature which is exactly like this: the ... ust wrong and will not cause other developers to have problems with it? Or maybe a better question: How could I improve this?

How do you decide if an application is in alpha, beta, RC or RTM?

Each Windows has alpha, beta, RC and RTM versions, and as you progress from left to right in these versions it will get more ... cisions about that? How do you know if a software is in alpha, beta, RC or RTM? What are the criteria used to determine this?

Meaning of these nomenclatures in Python and other languages, if the names that are universal

I would like to know the meaning with examples, if necessary, of the following names: class object attribute method

What is an opaque value?

I sometimes see in documentation or specifications that a given value, in general, string , can, or should, be considered op ... mple, /user/edit/1), breaks the opaque value definition? Optional for answers: cite other values that are considered opaque.

What is Hashcode and what is its purpose?

I have observed that the use of hashcode is used in comparisons, but what does the term mean? Is its use in programming specific in comparison?

What are the best practices for naming functions [closed]

closed . This question is opinionated and is not accepting answers. ... lculadora.somar(3, 4); Or int obtemValor(); int obterValor(); What is the best verb tense to use when naming functions?

Nomenclature or language in lambda

We have this expression: var teste = meucotexto.minhatable.Where(x => x.meu_campo.....) How do I read this part x => x.meu_campo I read X is for X. my_field or x from X. my_field or something else?

URL with letters in high-box

Is there a problem with naming pages with high box? Ex:

What is considered a "gambiarra" or a poorly made code? [closed]

closed . This question is opinionated and is not accepting answers. ... hat way. Is that a gambiarra? I have to make sure that the code is made of such a way for him to be considered a "good code"?

Should I write my program in English or Portuguese? [closed]

closed . This question is opinionated and is not accepting answers. ... method for choosing the language I should use when programming? What are the advantages of choosing one method or the other?

How to write acronyms in camelCase?

How Should I treat acronyms in camelCase? should I leave them fully capitalized or just the first letter? How would the variable algumaCoisaSiglaAleatoria look like? Or algumaCoisaSIGLAAleatoria?

How to name a unit test when we use TDD?

It is common to use nouns to name: classes (Car, Vehicle, NotaFiscal); action verbs (in the infinitive or not) for method nam ... d many other forms. My question is: Are there best practice guides/suggestions for naming unit tests how much do we use TDD?

Would using underline in c# be a good practice?

The question is about development standard and good practice. I come from a JavaScript and PHP world, I have been working fo ... ment, would it be good practice? Does anyone use this pattern too? Or am I going to have to give in and change this behavior?

What is RDD (resilient distributed dataset)?

I am studying about Spark in Python and the acronym RDD always appears. However, I cannot understand what this nomenclature really is. Therefore, I would like to know what is resilient distributed dataset (RDD) in the context of Spark?

What care should I take when naming a file in Python?

It is quite common to see problems generated because the file in Python was named with the same name as a library. # requests ... ule' requests 'has no attribute' get ' So, what are all the precautions I should take when naming a file in Python and why?

What is the ASP.NET vNext? What is the correct name?

Ok, I know the ASP.NET vNext is the new version of ASP.NET being launched by Microsoft in 2015 and that brings great changes ... e was conceived. the name ASP.NET 5 happens to be used for the new version, which is the Core, but loses this nomenclature .

Is there any difference between the terms "call", "invoke" or "apply" a function?

I commonly read the term " invoke" or " Call" a function to refer to the action of performing that function. But eventually ... on to these three, there are any more way to refer to the action of performing a function (in addition to these three terms)?