
Redirect doesn't work in ajax form Drupal 7

Hello everyone, I have no problems: There is a self-written module that creates a multi-step form on ajax. At the last step, ... p, it happens the same as in 1 case. At the same time, on the form page (not in colorbox), everything works out as it should.

How do I make a redirect after executing a php script?

It is necessary for the registration system. That is, the user clicks the "Login" button, a script is executed, located in a ... the end of the script, I encounter the problem described in my previous question Maybe there are special solutions for this?

Remove a redirect to https on a custom domain in github pages

I have an application that I posted on Github pages, it has requests to another server at the address "http://...", that serv ... work on a custom domain? After all, it usually does not work on pr pages. Here is the link to the page itself: github pages

301 Redirect from a domain to another domain

Setting up a 301 redirect from one domain to another domain via .htaccess Everything works. Only after the redirect is added ... tml/$1 [R=301,L] The result is

HttpResponseRedirect in Django. I can't configure redirect to the desired page

After filling out the form, a page should appear where it says that the form has been submitted successfully. But in my code ... "> Мы внимательно ознакомимся с Вашим резюме. </p> </div> <div> </div> {% endblock %}

Correct redirect to the mobile version of the site

I need to make a correct redirect to the mobile version of the site, if I plan to make it in the form of, if the screen width is <850px

Redirect to Spring MVC

No one's been answering me lately, but I'm still asking for some reason... Hello, comrades. I still use the official exampl ... ho scrolled through the question is up to the end, I hope to get an answer, a thumbs up and an accepted answer is guaranteed.

Authorization on the server via a POST HTTP request from Android

We are writing an Android application for the WildFly server. From the server side, logging in with your username and passwo ... se, the authorization page comes. It is possible that you need to manually assign attributes to the session or use cookies.

PHP redirect in n seconds

Actually, the question is in the title. I want to find an analog of this code: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; url ... ia header (), or something similar to this to work even if there is no js, the meta tag does not suit me for its own reasons.

Yii2 Redirection

There is a model for the form in it, from one method it is necessary to redirect the user to another page. I do this: ...Мод ... $app->user->login($this->getUser(), $this->rememberMe ? 3600*24*30 : 0); } return false; } }

How to configure ServerAlias

There are 2 domains. On one - the landing page, on the second-the landing page+the site inside. It is necessary that when you ... "\domains\lifedating.local\web" ServerName "lifedating.local" ServerAlias "lifedating.local/*" testdating.local/*

301 redirect from www to without www with https does not work, why?

.htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\. RewriteRule (.*)$1 ... ru and also when entering forwarded to, and at on Thank you

Redirect from https to http, after deleting the ssl certificate

Previously, the site had an ssl certificate, now it has been removed and I need to make a redirect from the old addresses with https

django redirect

def auth_form(request): if request.POST: form = AuthForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): l ... rn render(request, 'auth/login.html', {'forms':form}) How to make a redirect after successful authorization to

Redirect problem

The site is written to redirect all pdf files from the root of the site to the directory docs RewriteRule ^([^/]+).pdf /docs ... t, such as, redirects to How do I make an exception for this folder?

Why does the 301st redirect from HTTP to HTTPS not work?

In .htaccess registered redirect: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =of RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] However, when accessing the site via http, there is no redirect to https. What else could be the reason?

Redirection from other domains (http/https) to the main one (https)

This Is guys! I am having a doubt about https redirection. I have a domain ".com" (SSL installed), but, the " "does ... ivate). I would have to buy SSL for the domain. "" also or has some way to solve this through the .htaccess? Grateful!

How to use RedirectMatch to redirect to another page?

I have an application made in wordpress and I am making a new one with HTML / CSS and PHP. Inside the folder of this applicat ... / - > I also tried this rule: Redirect 301 / index.php

Website redirect error

My site always redirects from to (with slash at the end). Why? How to know what is causing this redirect? Note: I don'T have HTACCESS on my site.