
files are not uploaded to the server from the php handler file

I do not understand why the files are not uploaded to the server in the folder. From html, I accept data from the feedback fo ... /.thm-btn contact-one__btn --> </div><!-- /.row --> </form>

wcf service, transfer of large files

There is a WCF service using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text ... like to know how to change the configuration so that it is possible to send ~2Gb files over a tcp connection and named pipes

How to upload an image through clipboard (copy and paste)?

I was taking a look at the functionality of the site Imgur. When you make a printscreen or even copy an image (not the link, ... send via upload. And I would also like to know if it is possible to transfer clipboard content (CTRL+C) to a Javascript Blob.

Error "No such file or directory" but the file is saved in the database

I have the following problem: when I submit a form that contains photographs the error described in the title appears. if you ... n line 65 Line 65 is the one that contains the following code: if (move_uploaded_file($tmp, $folder."/".$novonome[$i]))

Upload via FTP an entire folder using DOS

I need to upload a folder (~300MB) that contains files from a framework (magento) to the cloud server where my application is ... folder and all its contents, does anyone know what it is? Or some other way for me to send these files? Grateful right now!

Upload ajax jQuery php

I need the image upload to be done with ajax / jquery, following this structure: Form: <form> <input type="text" ... }//end if isset file Does anyone know what is missing for the upload to happen and the image to be saved in the folder?

Plugin to upload multiple images

I have the following classes in my project. Galeria e Fotos I have a ViewModel where I get the data from Galeria and the d ... I researched many but could not understand how I apply this case of mine in the examples I saw. Any suggestion is welcome.

Upload images with C # windows forms and php

I've been trying to find a solution to my problem for at least two weeks and I can't get it to work. The idea is as follows, ... to the server, since I associate the static name of the image with a record in the database to subsequently fetch the image.

How to create directory and upload file

Good I am with the following doubt, is it possible to create a directory with mkdir and in the same PHP code insert files fro ... if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fanexo']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {

Has anyone ever managed to use jQuery File Upload?

I refer to this link http://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload / . The documentation is very vague. I have already changed ... > This is the error shown after the upload attempt: Error Not Found. What should I change to work on my website in php?

Generate Thumbs of images before uploading

I am looking for a plugin-free solution that generates thumbs of the selected images in <input type="file"/>, preferabl ... "col-md-2"> <img src="https://placehold.it/150?text=base64" /> </div> </div> </div>

PHP-upado file will not pro directory set

$arquivocom = $_FILES['submetidocom']['name']; $diretoriocom = "C:/Users/NEWGRID/Documents/uploadcom/"; move_uploaded ... bmetidocom" value="<?php echo $submetidocom; ?>" id="submetidocom" required="" autofocus=""> </div>

Client / Server (Windows) with sockets in C

I am trying to work out a program written in C, which is capable of uploading a file or text to a given server. I searched a ... e use of several chained procedures. I need to understand only this issue of sockets and communication between client/server.

Return Image Upload in index.php [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... } } ?> </body> </html> Result: shows the file name and does not load the image as intended.

How to create an upload system that creates and modifies html

Guys I'm trying to create an online library, I found an open-source solution that you put the pdf in the folder and change th ... ST%c3%93RIA_SECRETA_DA_MA%c3%87ONARIA_E_ORDEM_ROSACRUZ_-_por_Jakim_Booz.pdf"); </script> </body> </html>

Compress image when uploading with laravel

I would like to know if anyone has any idea how to proceed to compress image when uploading as the image is getting too big. ... nyone have any idea what can be done to reduce the size of this image before uploading or even after uploading. Valeu. Hug.

Error inserting image into folder

I'm inserting an image into the database. In the database only the name of the image is saved, and the image is saved in a fo ... t; <br> <button type="submit" class="btn" name="addproducts_btn">Adicionar Produtos</button> </form>

How to crop an image to the center when uploading it

In the project here I want to display the images in a square Div of dynamic dimension where its maximum size is 240 x 240. A ... of the image. EX: As can be seen, the image has been cropped to the center, and now it has identical height and width.

How to send file to upload with PHP?

I have a function to upload files, where I depend on a Form <form method='post' action='http://localhost/api/uploadAPI.p ... e the data in $_FILES['foto'] How can I do to send the file through send.php to retrieve it in the com api $_FILES ['photo']?

Uploading images does not work PHP

I have the following page in PHP: <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> < ... y increased the upload limit and the post max size limit in the settings, and it continues not working.. can anyone help me??