
Why use Docker on Azure?

This year I saw that Azure made available a container service called "Azure Container Service". This service, among other thi ... his, if the container exists precisely to avoid virtual machines? What are the advantages and reasons to use Docker on Azure?

Edit Excel spreadsheet with C# in Microsoft Azure

I have a web application that reads an excel spreadsheet and imports the cell values into the database automatically. I am us ... failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0X80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)).

How to add SSL Free in Azure? Is It Possible?

Not Azure: I have an Azure account where I created a new website. To add an SSL certificate (Https) I had to change the ho ... domain: . How to solve this? How do I create a free SSL certificate for an azure domain?

Azure api result different from my location result

I created a C # API in azure where it returns me an array passing the following params: ... ame: azure API (unexpected result) local API (expected result) I don't know why they're giving different results.

Google consent screen does not open

I made an application that has the function of backing up to Google Drive, but it does not work when I put on some server, it ... DriveService(new BaseClientService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credencial, ApplicationName = "items", });

What is service fabric and what is it for

In My View Microsoft has done an excellent job of blowing up various platforms lately. It all started when they made the .NET ... what I realized). This is practically everything I know about Service Fabric. Can you explain in more detail what it is for?

Bring external domain (Br Registry) to Azure [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... addy? Or is it possible that it is all done in Azure itself? If possible, do you have any tutorials? An error that appears:

Error " an error occurred while processing your request. "

I developed an application in MVC C # to generate reports in JSON, in my localhost it works normally, the query takes becau ... blems, I'm suspecting that it's some timeout that has set up in the Azure, but I did not find this option in the dashboard.

TypeError: Cannot read property ' 1 ' of null

I am having this problem and have no idea how to solve, I want to save images to Azure Storage const blobSvc = azure.create ... tand to solve, and the error message: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null Doesn't help much, can anyone help?

Azure charge, in reais or dollar?

I scoured the entire Azure website and found several divergent information about the currency used in the collection. In the ... /faq / there is a topic that says that the R$ currency can be used. So are the services charged by azure in dollar or real?