
How to print directly without opening the browser dialog box?

I am developing a web system where I need to print a label and a non-tax voucher after submitting a certain form. To perform ... t force the user to use only a specific browser. Is there any other way to do this printing with PHP, Node.JS or javascript?

List printers on the network with PHP

I need all printers on the network to be listed in my application for configuration purposes, but until then I am finding it ... ux and did not find any solution. On Linux is it possible to list the printers installed on the server locally or networked?

How to perform prints between a Web server and a local printer?

Good afternoon I need to print a non-tax receipt directly from a web system. (MP 20 printer MI X LocaWeb Server X Windows 10 ... Is there any means to connect the LPT1 or usb printer or even run a file .bat to fire this impression on the local machines?

Problems printing FastReport

I am having problem printing reports with FastReport in Delphi 2010. When printing to the printer the first time it prints co ... .Print; end else frxReport1.ShowReport; How it should print (first time is right): As it is printing the second time:

Direct printing on the door

I need a code VB.Net to print directly to the port of a lug printer without using any windows driver. I add that my printer is connected by USB but in the future I needed it to print on any type of port: COM, parallel, USB...

PVC badge printing with thermal printer China manufacturer

I'm with a thermal printer to do some badge printing tests with pvc cards. At first I assembled a badge model in the ReportV ... ge and print it with this type of printer? taking into account printing in the right shape with this printer and get quality.

CSS configuration for matrix printer

Well, my problem is this. I am developing a web system and I use ASP.NET MVC, I managed to generate a tab where the layout I ... /*font-size: auto; NOT A VALID PROPERTY */ } @page { size: 5.5in 8.5in /* . Random dot? */; } }

textarea with notebook lines style

I need to make a form for printing that could be typed in the browser or printed for writing. As can be written on the print ... gt; </html> So far what I did was the form above, but I need to replace the lines with textarea to be fillable.

Error performing page break for printing in Google Chrome

I have a page that prints 3-way tickets. Each ticket path is within a div with Class ticket. After each track, I need to ge ... </div> </body> </html> How to make the page break occur in the correct location using Google Chrome?

Automate printing of files within a folder

I need to make any file that is in the folder, example c://imprimir will be printed automatically, checks if there is someth ... zacao: C:/imprimir Arquivos impressos: 0 >>> How could I print and if possible print and move or delete the file?

Print on non-tax printer Elgin i7 c#

I'm developing a POS system and I need to print coupons! I am in possession of a non-tax Elgin model i7 printer. I have been ... Using PosPrinterTester also with you. What I want is that my program will also succeed, which for some reason does not work!

How to render a file in a frame?

I consume a service that returns a PDF file, I have a web application that currently I do a Windows open on the service call ... ow how I can render this file by an Ajax or frame request? To be able to somehow try to print? My code is (url)

Generate billet in php Banco santander

Greetings, I'm in a tricky situation. I have a simple web system where the remittances of the tickets are generated by Banc ... a limitation. If you can guide me if I'm making a mistake or any path so I can troubleshoot the problem I will be grateful.

Generate PDF by PHP? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... stead of simply displaying it? if this is not possible, if anyone has any other viable idea / alternative that helps I thank

How to print a text (coupon) via javascript?

I have a commercial web application written in ASP.NET MVC4 with c#, where I need to print a direct sell closing coupon to a ... printer, without viewing print or confirming anything? As if I mounted a string in JS, or received via AJAX and printed it!

Error " settings to access the printer '"' are not valid."

I have an application ASP.Net MVC that makes product sale and printing of this sale we work with several brands of thermal pr ... ror occurs in the following Line: printDoc.Print(); Do not reach or enter the method. Has anyone been through this?

Print text positioned in image

I have a text positioned in the center of an image, the logic is to print a certificate, and that text is dynamically generat ... t.innerHTML); printWindow.document.close(); printWindow.focus(); printWindow.print(); printWindow.close(); }

background image does not come out in print (using window.print)

I need to print a page that has a background image as background, a dagua logo. But using window.print() the background doe ... } Ps. I synthesized the code only for the part that is relevant to the issue, for ease of understanding. Can anyone help?

How do I turn my results into txt, excel or word file?

I have a Python code that does the following: extracts multiple data from tables in distinct excels and performs linear regre ... S(y, X).fit() print(RegressionBBAS3.summary()) Wanted this RegressionBBAS3 sumamary to be exported to TXT or excel or word.

Direct print PDF C# [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... someone give me a different solution, or if I am doing something wrong in one of those I tried to help me.I'm using WINDOWS10