ACF + Wordpress, output of posts with meta key and meta value

        <?php // параметры по умолчанию
            $posts = get_posts( array(
            'numberposts' => 0,
            'category_name'    => 'slider-main-loft-page',
            'post_type'   => 'post',
            'meta_key'    => 'where-page-post',
            'meta_value'  => get_page_link(),
            'suppress_filters' => true, // подавление работы фильтров изменения SQL запроса
            ) );
            foreach( $posts as $post ){
            <div class="slider-long-width-cont">
                <?php the_content() ?>
        wp_reset_postdata(); // сброс ?>

Using the AdvancedCustomFields plugin, I added a field with a choice of the page to which the post will go. The field returns a link in the format and it matches get_page_link ().

From the documentation for the get_posts function(): You can specify meta_key and meta_value, then you will get posts that have the specified metafield and whose value is equal to the specified value.

What am I doing wrong? I tried to specify in meta_value, but the posts were still not output.

UPD: If you change the field type from "Link to page" to "Text" and add a link to the post in plain text, then everything works. At the same time, the output of the fields is absolutely identical with different types.

Author: Ivan Stepin, 2020-09-26

1 answers

The "Link to Page" field type in Advanced Custom Fields actually displays the page link to the front, but it only stores the id in the database.


'meta_value'  => get_page_link(),


'meta_value'  => get_the_ID(),
Author: Ivan Stepin, 2020-09-26 11:36:35