
how to insert svg via tag?

I try to insert svg in this way: <img src="/assets/menu/menubutton.svg"> but nothing works (the assets file is in the r ... und"/> <line x1="20" y1="50" x2="50" y2="50" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" stroke-linecap="round"/> </svg>

Parsing a python html page. BeautifulSoup

Hello everyone I was faced with the task of parsing data from this web page. It contains data on the works put up for auction ... " from the screen), type2 (="Print in colors"), width (75), height (80), and hummerprice (="not communicated) are left blank.

Center alignment of the menu

Help align the css menu in the center. I tried everything, nothing comes out, maybe you will. Here is the code. .hovermenu ul ... kground - color: #1E90FF; } html>body .hovermenu ul li a:active{ /* эффект при наведении мыши */ border-style: solid; }

Smooth appearance of the image from left to right

Now the whole picture appears smoothly how to make it appear smoothly from left to right that is, as the right part is first ... lide" src="" /> <!-- partial -->

How to color even lines

It is not possible to fill in even rows, the formula always starts working with a new column. .container1 { border: ... gt; <div class="cn2"> 303</div> <div class="cn2"> 201</div> </div> </div>

How do I create a cube with only HTML and CSS?

I have this code, and I want to make a cube with HTML and CSS, just like in the picture above .mainDiv{ positio ... ade to the code? Free translation of the question How to create a cube with only HTML and CSS? from member @Sunil Gehlot.

How to make a smooth image appearance when opening a site for the first time in css?

There is a picture on the site header and I want this picture to appear smoothly on the screen when the user opens the site i ... of the rough normal loading. How can this be implemented without using js only on html + css? I would appreciate your help.

JS input type= "text" value multiply by constant value (price)

How to multiply the value from input value= "text" by a constant value from div. constanta For example: <input type= ... Val"> If we change the value in input to 5, the result changes to multiplication: 12500 How do I do this? Thank you

Django / Python does not follow links to html pages. How do I fix this?

I wanted to create a simple bulletin board (I just started learning Django). One of the tasks was to create several html page ... nclude urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path('advertisements/', include('advertisements.urls')), ]

How to properly parse Html tags in Python

There is a question how to parse Html pages in python or rather here is the link to the page: ... </a> </div> I don't understand how to parse the text of the tag <a>?

How do I find out the size of the running browser window?

I'm new to Javascript and I need to find out the dimensions of the executing browser window, and set these dimensions in < ... t.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight; } </script> How do I set these values to <div>?

Center alignment of the image div

There is html: <div class="row"> <? for($i=0; $i < count($alumni); $i++) { ?> <div c ... ; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } You need to align the image in the center, and it does not align. Who can suggest other ways?

JavaScript stopped working

And so I use phpDesigner 7. Denver is installed, the site is standing, everything works. I connected the jQuery library to ... the pshPdesigner, created a new file with javascript, Denver rebooted, rebooting the computer, nothing helped. What's it?)

Help me parse the html

Please help me parse the html. I need to enter data in an array according to this principle: $mas[0]=array(00094318,4 500,i ... t;td class="td2 text_right bold">4 500</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </table>

Why do I need the clear attribute in CSS?

Why do I need clear in CSS? Also, why do I need a separate block . clearfix? With float, I figured out so that the text flows around the image, but why do I need the clear: both; attribute or its other values, I can't figure out. Please help

How do I turn off input type=radio?

When you click on input type=radio, it turns on, but when you click on the same input again, nothing happens, is there any wa ... either through an attribute in html or in css, but if there are no such options, then there is already a sample code in js.

How do I make this effect when hovering over an image?

How do I make such a hover effect? Without hover, what effect should there be? What image format do you need?

How to add a row to a table using AJAX

I am currently studying the AJAX technology and a difficulty has arisen. I want to add a row in the table when I click on the ... console.log('ОШИБКА: ' + respond.error); } }, error: function() { console.log('ОШИБКА AJAX запроса: '); } });

Opening a new tab by clicking on the extension icon in Chrome

How to make it so that when you click on the extension icon in Google Chrome, not a popup pops up, but a script is executed (gen.js) and the tab opened?

How do I pass an array from php to javascript?

There are two questions: 1) how to get what I need from the database. 2)how to transfer what I got from the database to javas ... part of what I plan, but it's already good that one piece is ready. I'm not a web developer at all, I work with android OS.