
nodejs-database connection

I work with sockets, use, express, node.js and still need to connect mysql. Downloaded the mysql plugin via npm. I ... e: con.end(); And now when closing the connection to the database, the server turns off, tell me, maybe there is some option?

Form for entering data into a MySQL table in PHP

The question is: what should be in the for loop for departments to be written to the drop-down list? The MySQL database has t ... pe="submit" name="submit" value="Сохранить"> </td> </tr> </table> </form>

SQL-Join Task + Where(Having) + Group By

Display a list of passengers who have made at least 1 flight, sorted by the number of flights (in descending order). Fields ... tand what the error is. The system says that the solution is not correct, although it seems to me that everything is correct.

How do I save the tables of one database in MySQL and move them to another?

There are two databases in MySQL. Their names are different, but the structure of the tables is the same. How do I make a bac ... p of one database and upload data to another? Please, with a description of the commands, what and how. Thank you in advance.

Problem to connect to MySQL with Java

I write in IntelliJ IDEA I copied everything from the site with explanations, but nothing works. I am trying to connect to th ... Process finished with exit code 1 I imported the JBDC driver via File>Project Structure в IntelliJ IDEA

How to log in to phpmyadmin on ubuntu

I installed LAMP on Ubuntu, and I can't open phpmyadmin. So it outputs 404 http://localhost/tools/phpmyadmin http://localh ... tu) Then I enter CREATE DATABASE box;. Writes ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'box'

Remote access to MySQL via Workbench

What is there: Installed Ubuntu 16 on VirtualBox. In the settings of the virtual machine (hereinafter referred to as Ubunt ... s besides localhost? In other words, how to connect to a MySQL server installed on VirtualBox remotely using MySQL Workbench?

Why do we need migrations?

Why did they come up with them, if you can throw out a dump together with the source code? I feel that the question is the stupidest ^^ do not throw slippers.

IDE for writing SQL table structures

Tell me a good IDE(if there is one) You need not only syntax highlighting, but also highlighting possible errors in the code. ... important thing is autofill: names, types, attributes, etc. I use phpDesigner but there is no autofill in SQL, unfortunately.

How do I create a table in a database? (PHP+MySQL)

Hello! I found video lessons on the course Apache+PHP+MySQL on the Internet, but all the actions take place there, as I und ... завершено"; else echo "Таблицу создать не удалось"; } ?> But still nothing works, and it doesn't create a table...

For the online store engine: InnoDB or MyISAM?

For the online store engine (php), which type of tables is better to do: InnoDB or MyISAM ? What are the differences between these types? How can you justify your choice?

mysql does not start

At one point, mysql stopped running. The logs are constantly running May 7 12:54:19 web kernel: [ 1269.241113] init: mysql ... lem persists. The Mysql table does not work normally. Does not allow it to drop completely. It does not load from the backup.

MySql & phpMyAdmin

I have an Open Server installed on my computer and use it to launch a web page from which data should be entered not in its d ... ault phpmyadmin settings from Open Server. I only changed the port to 3307. Server: "Database: a_db "Table: aa

MySQL links or PHP tools

When is it better to use built-in relationships between DB tables (in my case, MySQL) (one-to-one, one-to-many, etc.), and wh ... ent for me to use php tools, because it is a more flexible structure ( as it seems to me). So I wanted to hear more opinions.

How do I log in to phpMyAdmin?

When logging in to phpmyadmin, ask for a username and password. Where to get it from? I'm a newbie, please explain in more detail.

Query in MySQL via PHP

Good time of day! I made a form with a request and a write function in the database, but it introduces empty values. What's w ... me,year,xoz) VALUES ('$name','$year','$xoz')"); if ($result == 'true') { echo "Успешно!"; } else { echo "Неудачно!"; } ?>

MySQL syntax error?

$sql = "INSERT INTO league(user,email,password,rival,key) VALUES ('$this->user','$this->email','$t ... near 'key) VALUES ('user1','[email protected]','usrpsw','0','0')' at line 1 Key int(11) NULL(no) DEFAULT 0

Complex ORDER BY in a MySQL query

The database has a list of ads. Each ad has user_id (the ad author) and flag. You must first display ads with user_id = 7, 9 ... complication is that the request has a limit of 10, since the remaining ads are loaded by Ajax in portions of 10 (lazyload).

How do I set up the correct encoding for MySQL?

Here... I'm learning PHP. I reached the connection to the database. And here's the problem. In the *.php file, I register a c ... irl needs programming here. We have already talked about this issue. I study - so it is necessary. Thanks for understanding:)

Using Denwer to work with a database in C++

Good time of day. Please tell me how to understand the process of linking a C++ application with Denwer. I used to use Denw ... calhost' (10061)"). I'm thinking, maybe there is a missing application that would help in linking my application with Denwer?