
windows sftp server

Tell me how to create an sftp server ? The task is to test a certain library in which the query query and other parameters (g ... Login, methods.ToArray()); using var client = new SftpClient(con); It turned out to connect... Now I would download the file

The Vigener cipher

Hello, there is a problem with the implementation of the Vigener cipher. It is not possible to access the table elements and ... xt.Substring(j, 1)% txbx_key.Text.Length); rez += tmp; } } } }

Getting the source code of a program in C#

There is a program, presumably in C#. How do I view its source code?

What is.net, why it is needed and where it is used

I wonder what it is .net, what it is needed for and where it is used. Also, I recently saw that .net supports PHP. What do you think of this bundle? Is it worth learning .net to use with a Puff?

Testing the MSSQL database

Good afternoon! Are there any tools for automated database testing on MSSQL? For example, projects for Visual Studio (the templates of which I did not find in the studio itself)? Share your experience and links. Thank you in advance.

Alternately pull SIN(X) from the expression SIN (SIN(20 + 20)) + COS (20)

The problem is that the regular must pull out the first match with a paired number of parentheses. That is, according to the ... (SIN(30) - SIN(40)) Must pull: 0:SIN(20) 1:20 And from SIN(20 - SIN(40)) Must pull: 0:SIN(40) 1:40 C#, .NET language 4.0!

How do lambda functions work?

I'm trying to understand how lambda functions work and I saw on metanite how it does the following: delegate Operation (int ... thod is written directly? Please tell me how you can find similar constructions or something else to understand how it works

Unpacking and running the exe from the program resources

Hello. I have already built a program in c# (my own), and I would like this program to be extracted somewhere, for example, in Temp, then run from the program, and after the program works with this file, it deletes it from Temp.

What you need for запуска.net core 3 WPF applications?

Do I need to have the .net framework installed on the user's computer or .net core to run such an application?

Wpf: binding data from an object

There is a separate class Piple with a bunch of data about a person, I create an object of this class in MainWinow. In the ma ... a from chel.name and chel.name2 to the corresponding textbox, respectively. Can you tell me if this can be done with Binding?

difference in throw, throw new, throw ex

What is the difference and why throw an exception at all? I understand that if we have a method called somewhere in which the ... potentially be an error, we should "throw" an exception from there to a place from where the method is not mediocre called,

C exception handling approach#

The question is more focused on an architectural approach or refactoring. For example, there is a console application where t ... like to know how to elegantly handle exceptions of asynchronous methods (asynh await), how to throw them to the main thread?

Recording via System Calls C# Mono Linux

Trying to write an integer value to the Linux system address /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness I use Mono Posix ... figure out how to write the value to sys/class.... It is also not clear how one can read the address from the Path constant.

What is.NET, and what is it for?

For a long time, from many forums, videos, on the topic of programming, I often hear about .net framework how to use it in di ... re it is needed, I did not understand. And yes, is it worth teaching this business to teach, or is it already a lost cause?

Generalizations and interfaces

Gentlemen, please tell me, this is the case, I read in the book such a phrase about the implementation of generalized interfa ... did it say in the beginning that it is necessary to pass its type parameters when connecting a generalized interface? Thanks.

Opening a file in Notepad

Hello. There was a problem when opening a program file in notepad. string tmp = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(); ... ); MessageBox.Show(tmp); Process.Start("C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe", tmp); } } }

Working with object[] and List object

List<object> list = new List<object>(); list.Add(new object[] { Convert.ToByte(1), Convert.ToInt32(10 ... he values from List object -> object [] - > for example the value of the string (I originally wrote the string " test")

How to determine the bit depth of the operating system by means of.NET?

There is a C# application for Win 7, during the execution of which you need to determine whether it is running on the 32 or 64 bit version of the OS. Is it possible to do this with .NET or is it necessary to use "workarounds"?

Where is the exe file of the C# program under Visual Studio?

The latest version of VS Community 2019 is delivered. I compile a simple console program. Actually, it is written everywhe ... , it is nowhere to be found. The program then runs in VS, but is executable the file is hidden somewhere. Question: where to?

Which versions of the CLR are available in the platforms.Net Core and.Net 5?

I can't find my bearings in modern versions of the CLR .Net Framework 2-3.5 is CLR 2 .Net Framework 4 - 4.8 is CLR 4 In which version of the CLR the code is executed .Net Core 1, 2, 3, and .Net5 ?