
Who can make an interesting guide how to remove root users in windows?

The fact is that after no time has elapsed, my Wifi network is disconnected and the vpn service jumps, when Wireshark is conn ... nd all the routs connected to it, no matter who they belong to, in order to encrypt wireshark files in veracrypt. Windows 10.

Creation.bat file to run.exe with an additional parameter

I need to run a NetBeans program with an additional parameter. Here is a working option via the console step by step: >b: ... ever encountered writing such files. So you need help-plz., just write down what needs to be fixed. I would be very grateful.

How do I run the script?

How do I run a script written in python 2.6 in 7 through the console?

Windows 10 removing embedded apps via PowerShell

I want to delete on several PCs, built-in Windows 10 applications via PowerShell, I found the commands DISM /Online /Get-Pro ... wever, it doesn't work. Can you tell me how to unify the delete command so that it can be deleted regardless of the version?

Creating a git server for Windows

Good time of day. The problem is this. It is necessary to make an analog of gitlab, but with a host on my PC. So that several ... tually, how and by what means can I do what I described above? Thank you in advance for your answers and have a nice evening!

Copying powershell files

You need to copy the database backups from the Windows machine. The machine is not in the domain, and you need to copy it to ... nly on the New-PSDrive cmdlet. Perform the operation again without specifying credentials I have never written on powershell

Installing Ubuntu next to Windows

Tell me how to install Ubuntu second OS on your computer?

How do I set an environment variable in windows?

How do I set an environment variable in windows?

How to overcome the error when installing Ubuntu next to Windows 10: "Could not execute the grub-install/dev/sda2 command"?

There is a goal-to put ubuntu next to Windows 10. Before that, Linux had never been installed, and the experience of using it ... question. UPD1. Tried to install grub not in sda2, but in sda - everything is the same, it is interrupted at the same place.

Docker and Genymotion how to reconcile and make the emulator work on Windows?

I installed Docker on Windows. After that, the Android Genymotion emulator stopped working. On startup, I see the error Af ... work? UPD: standard the emulator in Android Studio started for the first time but no longer works(black screen at startup).

Python development environment for windows

Tell me a good development environment for python for windows. With autocomplete, highlighting, refactoring tools, and the ab ... ad. Although of course the development environment is still better P.S. just don't throw me a link to this page PythonEditors

Installing go language packages on windows

I will probably ask a rather stupid question. How do I install packages from github or golang for the go language on windows via the console? I know that on likunse it is done via get , but how on Windows?

In which registry key does the windows installer register the program?

In which registry key does the windows installer register the program?

How do I change the system language in windows programmatically?

Windows server 2008 rc2 system Calls setlocale(LC_ALL,"Rus"); setlocale( LC_ALL, "ru_RU.CP1251" ); std::system("chcp 1251"); ... etACP () returns 1251. Is it possible to do this? Is it possible to do this without connecting non-standard ones libraries?

Windows Server 2012 r2 does not boot after the update

Updates cannot be installed on Windows Server 2012 r2. The update is downloaded, installed, and requires a server reboot, but ... reboot, the server does not boot normally. It turns out to boot only in maintenance mode and roll back to the previous state.

How do I add a path to the %PATH% environment variable on Windows?

How do I add something to a path (PATH or system PATH)? What is %PATH% and %something%? Here are some examples: Add the ... en the two % also the path to the folder? %PATH% and %MINGW_DIR% are the same thing if PATH is understood as a path to MinGW?

C2440: Unable to convert const char* to PVOID

I am writing a joke program that will change the image of the desktop: An error occurred in one of the lines of code: System ... wears that it is impossible to convert const char* to PVOID. I think I missed something somewhere. What could be the problem?

Windows 10 encoding crashes

When you start some applications, strange characters appear, it appeared after you put the Russian language, when you returned it back to English everything is fine, how can I fix it?

Excluding file search and deletion via cmd / bat

In x folders there are x files that have the form куча_цифр_куча_цифр.wav in the name, next to all these folders there are ex ... ~a" I just don't know what other simple ways there are, I can't get cmd to search by mask to fulfill the condition do if not

How to specify the path to the directory in.bat file?

I have.bat file, next to the folder (Result). In the folder are .jpg files with different names. I'm trying to write .bat fil ... \*.jpg" for /f "usebackq delims=*" %%f in (`dir /b /o:-d /tc %a%`) do (ren "%%f" file-!count:~1!.jpg set /a count+=1 ) pause