Choosing a Python library for working with Excel

There are several large libraries for working with Python 3.9.0 Excel files, which at first glance have similar functionality. Please tell me which library is currently the most convenient and functional?

You need to select data from the sheets of the Excel 2019 table (format .xlsx) and adding data to the table. In the future, we plan to work with formulas in tables, as well as work with the .csv format.

Author: 0xdb, 2020-11-23

1 answers

For simple data manipulation (without formulas and graphs), it is enough to use Pandas, which itself uses either xlrd or openpyxl under the hood.

For deeper work with Excel, you can use openpyxl and XlsxWriter - these are the most advanced and most popular modules for working with Excel.

Author: MaxU, 2020-11-23 16:37:07