Convert std:: string to std:: wstring

How do I translate std::string to std::wstring?


std::string s = "some string";
std::wstring ws = f(s);

How can f() be implemented?

Author: Arhadthedev, 2014-06-26

2 answers

Many ways..., here are a couple...

std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>> converter;
std::string str = converter.to_bytes(L"Hello world");
std::wstring wstr = converter.from_bytes("Hello world");

std::string str("Hello world!!!");
std::wstring wstr(str.begin(), str.end());
Author: devEugene, 2014-06-26 16:02:09

In C++17, the header <codecvt> became deprecated, as well as the template classes std::wstring_convert and std::wbuffer_convert, so at the moment there is no way to do this in the general case without using third-party libraries (or outdated functionality).

The corresponding sentence is.

Author: Tocic, 2018-11-24 14:18:08