FastReport. Line wrapping in a cell when outputting in Excel

Until recently, I worked with the FastReport version 2015.4.0.0. I used just the \n character for line wrapping. In the new project, the version is different: 2018.4.16.0 and this method does not work with it. Instead of hyphenation, the ASCII sequence _x000A_ is inserted.

How to fix it?

Author: Kromster, 2020-05-21

1 answers

It turned out that for Excel, the newline character is a combination of characters in the data 
. A space at the beginning is required! The Wysiwyg property of the field where the hyphenated text is inserted must be true.

However, this combination does not work for Word. There - \n. We have to prepare data in different ways for different formats.

Author: Deimon, 2020-09-16 09:23:02