How can I style the input text and placeholder in input?

required design

Please tell me, is it possible to make the placeholder located in the input with such an indent, and the text when entering too? I got it so that both the placeholder and the input text are pressed to the left edge.

Author: Максим Юрьев, 2019-12-21

1 answers

For indents in input

  padding:0 20px;

You can style placeholdr separately using the pseudo-classes

input::-webkit-input-placeholder {color:#222; font-size:16px; font-family: 'RalewayRegular',"Trebuchet MS", sans-serif;}
input::-moz-placeholder          {color:#222; opacity:2; font-size:16px; font-family: 'RalewayRegular',"Trebuchet MS", sans-serif;}/* Firefox 19+ */
input:-moz-placeholder           {color:#222; opacity:2; font-size:16px; font-family: 'RalewayRegular',"Trebuchet MS", sans-serif;}/* Firefox 18- */
input:-ms-input-placeholder      {color:#222; font-size:16px; font-family: 'RalewayRegular',"Trebuchet MS", sans-serif;}
input:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder {color:transparent;}
input:focus::-moz-placeholder          {color:transparent;}
input:focus:-moz-placeholder           {color:transparent;}
input:focus:-ms-input-placeholder      {color:transparent;}
Author: Stupid_Pink_Pony, 2019-12-21 10:45:53