What is the difference between an inner and an outer join?

What is the difference between a inner and a outer join?

And what is the function of modifiers?

  • left
  • right
  • full
Author: BetaM, 2015-11-02

2 answers

Assuming that a join of columns without duplicates is being made, which is a common case:

  • A inner join of A and B will deliver the result of the intersection of Sets A and B. In other words, the Part inner –intersection– in a Venn diagram.

  • A full outer join between A and B will deliver the result of the Union of A and B. In other words, the Part outer - Union-in a diagram of Venn .


Suppose we have two tables, with a single column each and the following data:

A    B
-    -
1    3
2    4
3    5
4    6

Note that (1,2) are only found in A, (3,4) are common and (5,6) are only found in B.

Inner Join

An inner join– using any of the equivalent query syntax-gives you the intersection of both tables, that is, the rows that both tables have in common.

select * from a INNER JOIN b on a.a = b.b;
select a.*, b.*  from a, b where a.a = b.b;

a | b
3 | 3
4 | 4

Left outer join

A outer join on the left, will give you all the rows of A, including the common rows between A and B.

select * from a LEFT OUTER JOIN b on a.a = b.b;
select a.*,b.*  from a,b where a.a = b.b(+);

a |  b
1 | null
2 | null
3 |    3
4 |    4

Right outer join

A outer join on the right will give you all the rows of B, including the common rows with A.

select * from a RIGHT OUTER JOIN b on a.a = b.b;
select a.*,b.*  from a,b where a.a(+) = b.b;

a    |  b
3    |  3
4    |  4
null |  5
null |  6

Full outer join

A full outer join will give you the Union of A and B; that is, all rows of A and all rows of B. If a row in A does not have a corresponding row in B, the portion of B is null, and vice versa.

select * from a FULL OUTER JOIN b on a.a = b.b;

 a   |  b
   1 | null
   2 | null
   3 |    3
   4 |    4
null |    5
null |    6

Venn diagrams

This same, we can see with Venn diagrams:

Visual explanation of joinsImage SQL Joins.svg by Arbeck, shared under license CC BY 3.0.

Author: jachguate, 2017-03-04 04:26:22

I'm going to use the same jachguate example which is very clear by adding a few small details.


  • inner join
  • outer join

enter the description of the image here

-- Crear tabla A (tabla Izquierda)

-- Crear tabla B (tabla derecha)

-- Insertar datos
Insert into A (a) Values (1);
Insert into A (a) Values (2);
Insert into A (a) Values (3);
Insert into A (a) Values (4);
Insert into B (b) Values (3);
Insert into B (b) Values (4);
Insert into B (b) Values (5);
Insert into B (b) Values (6);

-- Tabla A

-- Tabla B

/* Inner Join. */
-- Unión interna, filas que ambas tablas tienen en común.
select * from A INNER JOIN B on A.a = B.b;
select A.*, B.*  from A, B where A.a = B.b;

/* Left outer join */
-- Unión externa por la izquierda, todas las filas de A (tabla izquierda) relacionadas con B, así estas tengan o no coincidencias.
select * from A LEFT OUTER JOIN B on A.a = B.b;
select A.*,B.*  from A,B where A.a = B.b(+);

/* Right outer join */
-- Unión externa por la derecha, todas las filas de B (tabla derecha), así estas tengan o no coincidencias con A.
select * from A RIGHT OUTER JOIN B on A.a = B.b;
select A.*,B.*  from A,B where A.a(+) = B.b;

/* Full outer join */
-- Unión externa completa, unión externa por la izquierda unida a unión externa por la derecha. 

-- En oracle:
select * from A FULL OUTER JOIN B on A.a = B.b;

-- En MySql no está implementado FULL OUTER JOIN, para obtener este mismo resultado:

select * from A LEFT OUTER JOIN B on A.a = B.b
select * from A RIGHT OUTER JOIN B on A.a = B.b;

enter the description of the image here


Author: Goerman, 2017-05-23 12:39:24