How to deal with vectors in a MySQL database?

I have an application that supermarket cashier in which after the end of the sale needs to enter a record with data regarding this sale in a table, in this record must be included the code of the products purchased and the quantity of each.

Since I am using a MySQL database there are no vectors (arrays), how should I proceed in a situation like this? Is there a good practice that can be applied to this case?

I had thought in doing the following, but I think this is a gambiarra:

codigo    vendedor    cod_produtos    quant_produtos    data
     1           3     "1,5,3,6,9"     "5,10,7,13,2"    12/12/2013

In case the fields cod_products and quant_products are of type char / varchar / nvarchar and if you need to get the data to generate a report or something type would use something like string[] codigos = codProdutos.Split(','); (in C#), to get the data in vector form.

Author: Zignd, 2013-12-12

4 answers

You have to create an associative table, it is the most correct way to do it, Example:


fk_venda  fk_produto quantidade
 1           1           5
 1           2           1

And in your sales table you keep the code, seller and date.

Why do it this way? 1 order can have multiple products and a product can be in multiple orders, that is, an association N to n, requires an associative table...

Author: Kenny Rafael, 2013-12-12 13:20:40

When I went through similar situations I did something like:

codigo    vendedor produto  quantidade data
 1           3     1        5          12/12/2013
 1           3     5        10         12/12/2013
 1           3     3        7          12/12/2013
 1           3     6        13         12/12/2013
 1           3     9        2          12/12/2013

Being that product is part of the Table Key. Imagine a query wondering how much a product sold in total using the example you suggested and my suggestion.

Author: Joqus, 2013-12-12 13:20:46

The ideal would be to add a table to associate the relationship between Sale and product, and in this apply the quantity, example:

1          1             5
1          5             10
1          3             7
1          4             13
1          9             2

Considering you have the table VENDA and PRODUTO, the script would look something like this:

Author: Felipe Oriani, 2014-01-14 12:44:07

In terms of SQL the correct would be to separate the tables according to the entities involved:

  • sale: code (PK), seller, date
  • Product_selling: code_selling (PK, FK), cod_product (PK, FK), quantity, unit_value

In this case, the Product_sale table has a relationship N: 1 (N to 1) with the sale table. This means that, each sale can have several Product_sale.

Author: utluiz, 2013-12-12 13:20:57