keyboard.on press key () stops calling the function after compilation в.ехе

Keyboard. on_press_key('f7', TranslateAll, suppress=True) when pressed on F7 calls the function TranslateAll().

Algorithm of operation TranslateAll():

  1. The library pyperclip pulls text from the clipboard
  2. Library googletrans translates text
  3. pyperclip inserts the translated text back into the b/o

Everything works fine, however, after compiling to. exe, after ~10 function calls, keyboard.on_press_key() stops responding to clicks or call a function. And this is not accompanied by any messages in the console. Just press F7 and that's it-no errors.

!!! The problem appears only when working with the translator googletrans, if you drop it and leave only the clipboard, the problem will go away!

I tried to specify the key code, instead of 'f7' - the problem remained.

I also tried re-assigning F7 to keyboard.hook_key() on error (wrapping the algorithm in try-except), but it also did nothing.

Code: Here everything works as it should, but if you compile (pyinstaller, then you can see the problem I described.

from googletrans import Translator
import keyboard
import googletrans
import pyperclip
count = 0                         #счетчик срабатываний функции
def TranslateAll(event):
    global count
    #основной алгоритм 
    translator = Translator()
    data = pyperclip.paste()
    result = translator.translate(data, dest='ru')

    count += 1
    print(f'Срабатывание №{count}\n')

#привязка F7 к функции
keyboard.on_press_key('f7', TranslateAll, suppress=True)

The finished problematic. exe file can also be downloaded from my Google drive: PythonCode.exe

There is also a video with a detailed overview of the problem: video

Author: denisnumb, 2020-10-27

1 answers

So, after 5 days of searching for a solution to the problem, the answer is found! The problem was in the function call string keyboard.on_press_key('f7', TranslateAll, suppress=True)

The value of the suppress parameter should have been changed from True to False.

Thank you to everyone who tried to help in any way :)

Author: denisnumb, 2020-10-28 20:09:04