Why aren't lines with fuzzy translated in django. po?

I update the django.po file this way:

$ python manage.py makemessages -l ru
$ python manage.py compilemessages -l ru

After that, some of the strings in django.po are marked as fuzzy and are not translated while the application is running. For example, when

#, fuzzy
msgid "view"
msgstr "показ"

Instead, the display will be a view.

Author: Nicolas Chabanovsky, 2010-11-05

1 answers

When executing makemessage as fuzzy, lines with a close msgid are marked. Such lines do not fall into the final *.mo of *.po, as they are presumably incorrect. You need to correct them and remove the fuzzy mark.

Author: stanislav, 2010-11-05 14:46:53