Multidimensional array

There is an array:

$cars = array(
'1' => array('id'=>1, 'producer'=>'bmw', 'model'=>'x5', 'sale'=>'10', 'price'=>'100', 'uniq'=>'1#10#100'),
'2' => array('id'=>1, 'producer'=>'bmw', 'model'=>'x5', 'sale'=>'10', 'price'=>'100', 'uniq'=>'1#10#100'),
'3' => array('id'=>1, 'producer'=>'bmw', 'model'=>'x5', 'sale'=>'0', 'price'=>'110', 'uniq'=>'1#0#110'),
'4' => array('id'=>2, 'producer'=>'audi', 'model'=>'a1', 'sale'=>'0', 'price'=>'90', 'uniq'=>'2#0#90'),
'5' => array('id'=>2, 'producer'=>'audi', 'model'=>'a1', 'sale'=>'0', 'price'=>'90', 'uniq'=>'2#0#90')

Uniq is formed according to the principle of id#sale#price.

You need to get an array from it:

$unique_cars = array(
'1' => array('id'=>1, 'producer'=>'bmw', 'model'=>'x5', 'sale'=>'10', 'price'=>'100', 'quantity'=>2),
'2' => array('id'=>1, 'producer'=>'bmw', 'model'=>'x5', 'sale'=>'0', 'price'=>'110', 'quantity'=>1),
'3' => array('id'=>2, 'producer'=>'audi', 'model'=>'a1', 'sale'=>'0', 'price'=>'90', 'quantity'=>2)

Thank you all for your participation, it's a pity that you can't choose several correct answers at once :)

Author: Зоркий, 2013-03-29

3 answers

$unique_cars = array();

foreach ($cars as $car)
    if (!isset($unique_cars[$car['uniq']]))
        $car['quantity'] = 1;
        $unique_cars[$car['uniq']] = $car;

// странные ключи массивов (строковые numeric, да еще не от 0, а от 1)
// но это твое дело

$indexes = array();

while (count($indexes) < count($unique_cars))
    $indexes[] = strval(count($indexes) + 1);

$unique_cars = array_combine($indexes, $unique_cars);

Author: Bars, 2013-03-29 08:37:20

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Running a loop on all elements of $cars
  2. We add each element to the array $unique_cars, first comparing the necessary fields: if they are identical, then we increase the quantity of the corresponding element $unique_cars

What are the difficulties?

Author: Zhukov Roman, 2013-03-29 08:00:51

For me, there is so much extra in the resulting array.

It should be like this

$unique_cars = array(
'1' => array('producer'=>'bmw', 'model'=>'x5', 'sale'=>'10', 'price'=>'100', 'quantity'=>2),
'2' => array('producer'=>'bmw', 'model'=>'x5', 'sale'=>'0', 'price'=>'110', 'quantity'=>1),
'3' => array('producer'=>'audi', 'model'=>'a1', 'sale'=>'0', 'price'=>'90', 'quantity'=>2)
Author: Artem, 2013-03-29 08:21:45