Nautilus does not open the file

I have xubuntu 18.04.2. It defaults to the thunar file manager. I don't like this manager, I prefer nautilus. I install nautilus, delete thunar, make nautilus default, go to nautilus, try to open some file, for example. png, but instead of the expected opening of the image in ristretto, I get an attempt to open the file(loading circle) and as a result, nothing opens. If you click on the file and click "open in another application", and select the desired one the program, then everything opens without any problems. I download thunar back, make it default, but I don't delete nautilus. I run nautilus(despite the fact that thunar is the default) and all files open without problems. Please tell me how to make sure that I do not have to keep thunar? I roughly understand that somewhere thunar is registered as the file explorer for files, and when I delete thunar and make nautilus default, the default explorer does not change in this "somewhere". How do I make it change? What file edit? Tried this is, but there is no such directory and file. By the way, according to the link, the person unsubscribed that he also does not have such a directory and file. I also found an option to edit /usr/bin/xdg-mime, but so far I haven't found the necessary lines.

Author: umd, 2019-07-27

1 answers

For those who do not want to read comments on this bug, the solution on the bug tracker is: Open the terminal and register:
sudo -s
enter your password(it will not be displayed)
mousepad /usr/share/xubuntu/applications/defaults.list
In the opened file, we search for and delete the line
Next, save the file (ctrl+s). Go back to the terminal and write
mousepad ~/.config/mimeapps.list
In this file, we are looking for the same line
and delete it.
saving the file (ctrl+s)

I didn't have one, but someone might have another file in where you want to delete this line. Checking it out:
mousepad ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list
If the opened file is empty, then you do not need to do anything. And you don't need to save it either. If it is not empty then we search for and delete the string
After all these actions, everything worked for me.
Description of this bug here

Author: umd, 2019-07-28 10:20:59