How to copy files to ProgramData folder using WiX?

I create the directory in Wix

<Directory Id="CommonAppDataFolder">
    <Directory Id="CommonAppDataManufacturerFolder" Name="$(var.MANUFACTURER)">
        <Directory Id="AppDataFolder" Name="$(var.PRODUCTNAME)">
            <Directory Id="DatasFolder" Name="Datas"/>

And I command to copy the component

<ComponentGroup Id="DatasComponents" Directory="DatasFolder">
    <Component Id="Database.sdf" Guid="4c33c78e-7113-4a8c-b9fd-6ba4f6490935">
        <File Id="Database.sdf" Source="Database.sdf" />
        <RemoveFolder Id='DatasFolder' On='uninstall' />
        <RegistryValue Root='HKCU'
                        KeyPath='yes' />

But the file is being copied to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Datas\ and not to where I want: %ProgramData%\Manufacturer\ProductName\Datas\

Author: Paulo Roberto Rosa, 2014-02-18

1 answers

The problem was that AppDataFolder is a reserved word, I just had to exchange this ID and it worked:

<Directory Id="CommonAppDataFolder">
    <Directory Id="CommonAppDataManufacturerFolder" Name="$(var.MANUFACTURER)">
        <Directory Id="MyAppDataFolder" Name="$(var.PRODUCTNAME)">
            <Directory Id="DatasFolder" Name="Datas"/>
Author: Jader Dias, 2014-02-18 22:42:02