PHP Search for an array key by a value from a part of a word

There is such a problem.

An array of data consisting of URLs:

array(8) {
  string(39) "/update/data?drid=2759&nc=1597034659"
  string(42) "/update/nodata?drid=2759&nc=1597034659"

As you can see at the end, the values are constantly changing when the page is reloaded. I need to find the array key by part of a string of these addresses.

You should get something like:

array_search('data', $array); // 0
array_search('nodata', $array); // 1

I tried to search through array_search and into it through strpos for the desired value, but the result is zero.

Is this even possible or not? I'll be glad to any help)

Author: VaDoSiQ, 2020-08-10

2 answers



foreach($array as $key => $value) {
  if(strpos($value, mb_convert_encoding($name, 'cp1251, 'utf-8)) !== false) {

Thank you to the user Bloom

Author: VaDoSiQ, 2020-08-10 05:54:25

Depending on which search you want to use, substitute your own in the callback function. For example, a regular or like me.

$arr = array(

function findKey($arr, $needle) {
    return array_keys(
            function ($element) {
                return strpos($element, $needle) !== false;
var_dump(findKey($arr, 'data'));
Author: Dmitry Lin, 2020-08-10 06:01:54