Recording via System Calls C# Mono Linux

Trying to write an integer value to the Linux system address


I use Mono Posix. I'm doing something wrong, because the error Invalid argument [EINVAL] pops up. Perhaps I am not writing the value correctly.

Connecting dynamic libraries:

    [DllImport("", EntryPoint = "open")]
    public static extern int Open(string fileName, int mode);

    [DllImport("", EntryPoint = "fcntl", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern int Fcntl(int fd, int request, int data);

private const string Path = "/sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness";
    private int fd = -1;

Next, I open the "file":

private void Open()
        fd =, OpenFlags.O_RDWR);

        if (fd < 0)

And I try to write it down:

 public unsafe void WriteValue(int value)

        var ret = Fcntl(fd, 1, value); // что - то тут не так

        int count;
        var data = new char[1];
        data[0] = (char) value; // и тут тоже что-то не правильно? Нужно значение в IntPtr.

        fixed(char* p = data)
            count = (int)Syscall.write(fd, p, (ulong) data.Length);

        if (count < 0)
            CheckAndThrowUnixIOException(); // Соответственно тут летит ошибка.

Sampling method exceptions:

 private void CheckAndThrowUnixIOException()
        var error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
        throw new UnixIOException(error);

I can't figure out how to write the value to sys/class.... It is also not clear how one can read the address from the Path constant.

Author: JDo, 2019-09-23

1 answers

I figured out, it was necessary to pass a string literal as a pointer:

 [DllImport("", EntryPoint = "open")]
 public static extern int Open(string fileName, int mode);

 private void Open()
        fileDescriptor =, OpenFlags.O_RDWR);

        if (fileDescriptor < 0) CheckAndThrowUnixIOException();

    private void OpenIfNotOpen()
        if (!IsOpen) Open();

 public unsafe void WriteBrightnessValue(int value)
        if (value <= MaxBrightness)
            var buffer = value.Map(value);
            var str = buffer.ToString();


            int fdValue;
            fixed (char* ptStr = str)
                fdValue = (int) Syscall.write(fileDescriptor, ptStr, (ulong) str.Length);

            if (fdValue < 0)


            Logger.Debug("-- File descriptor has been closed");
Author: JDo, 2019-09-24 12:02:59