What you need for запуска.net core 3 WPF applications?

Do I need to have the .net framework installed on the user's computer or .net core to run such an application?

Author: Oniel, 2019-09-21

1 answers

Just running? Install the latest version of the .net core 3.x SDK (as of today, this is preview, so if you don't use VS 2019-Preview, you need to activate in the VS settings that you want to use the .net core preview SDK ).

The second step is to specify in the project (*.csproj) that you want to use the Windows Desctop SDK instead of the standard sdk.

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop">

Well, then you have all the libraries to run. As you can guess - this project will only work on windows.

Author: Dev, 2019-09-21 22:57:11