
Please tell me, ex'shnik after the build via Smake and mingw32-make does not start

I have Cmake and MinGW installed. Both are in variable environments. I want to build a project. I use the command cmake .. - ... s in static linking, but I'm not sure. If so, how to configure it correctly via Cmake? Thank you, I will be glad of any help.

C compilation and execution in Sublime Text 3, Windows 10

I want to compile a .c file in Sublime Text 3, in Windows 10, but when I try to output something with printf, nothing happens ... "shell": true, "path": "C:\\MinGW\\bin\\" } Changed the folder Мои работы to my_projects, but this is also not helped

Calculate how many prime numbers in this range in C language

#include<stdio.h> int countPrimeNumber(int from, int to); / / takes a range of numbers from from to to, count how ma ... how to get to the beginning of the task, I can not understand( you need to use the while loop And conditional operators only(

Function for creating arrays of different dimensions with different number of elements

You need to write a more or less universal function in C that allows you to create an array of arbitrary (known in advance) d ... размеров */, const double value /* инициализирующее значение */) How to do this correctly, and in general, is it possible?

Calculate the value of the expression in the postfix form

A character string contains an expression consisting of digits and operations in postfix form (the operation sign after the o ... xample: the expression (2+3)*4-5*6 is written in postfix form as 23+4*56*- Please help with the task! I will be very grateful

I can't understand why the sequential search algorithm doesn't work

int lookup(char *word, char *array[]) { int i; for(i = 0; array[i] != NULL; i++) if((strcmp(word, array[i]) ... = lookup(*flab, &array[255]); if(i == -1) { return 0; } printf("%d", i); return 0; }

Implementation of UART data reception on 1986VE92U milandr

I work with a debugging board for a domestic microcontroller 1986VE92 from the company Milandr. I implement data reception an ... ); UART_init(); while(1) { } } I can not understand what the error is, please help. My question is about:

How to make a program for stm32f103

There is an STM32F103 board with a standard 4pin SWD interface and an st-link v2 programmer. Environment-win7 x64. After re ... d small keyboard (84-90 keys) with a combined layout, so that the USB-HID will still have to read a lot. USB-adds complexity.

Why do I need to write va arg 2 times?

Hello! I wrote a lab for a function with a variable number of parameters. The first parameter is the dimension of the array, ... args,int); if(a==0) break; n=va_arg(args,double); } va_end(args); return s; }

I don't know how to correctly enter a value in char using scanf

There is a task to make a square output through the function, and at the same time set its side and from which characters it ... symbol); } printf("\n"); } return; } Upd. problem in printf("Vvedite symbol - "); scanf("%c", &symbol);

Why does an empty structure weigh 1 byte?

struct t1 {}; int s0 = sizeof(t1); // почему 1, а не 0?

You need to find the product of the array elements located between the minimum and maximum array elements.(not including the maximum and minimum)

int A[12]; int i; int max=-100000; int min=100000; int n=12; int im, jm; for (i = 0; i<n; i++) { printf("A[%d] = ", i ... A[i]; } } printf("\n Произв. элементов массива расположенных между максимумом и минимумом: %d", proz) getch(); return 0;

Bitwise operations - which ones are useful for programmers of "higher" levels to know about?

Hello! I ask this question more for self-education than out of a real momentary need: What do "higher-level" programmers ne ... of a number without a comparison operation Do bitwise operators (other than shifts) make any mathematical sense in base-10?

Ritchie, Kernighan "Programming language With 3 edition" specify main () without type, isn't this a bug?

Hello everyone, I started studying С on this book and there was a doubt about further training on this book. Sample code: # ... study the language in this book, or should I not waste time? I have doubts about the correctness descriptions in this book.

The Gram-Schmidt process (orthogonalization of the matrix)

It is required to write a program (using functions) for the Gram-Schmidt process (orthogonalization only) for the matrix A nx ... an with columns imho). But I can't figure out how to proceed. At least I have a hint of how to organize everything correctly.

How do I find the period of a fraction 1/N?

Here are examples of input and output: Input: 3 output: 3 Input: 5 output: 0 Input: 7 output: 142857

Don't understand the difference between signed / unsigned

I don't understand the difference between signed and unsigned, I read a lot of material on the Internet, but somehow I can't ... on the internet go straight to -127 to 127 and 0 to 256, but it doesn't give me an understanding. Please explain in Russian.

What language is used to write code for arduino?

I decided to find out what the code for arduino is written on, Google says that in C\C++. But I don't understand which one? Or maybe both?

Why do we need bitwise operators and what do they actually do in C?

Hello! Please explain why bitwise operators are needed and what is the principle of their operation? I've already reread the ... veral times and read it online, but I don't understand them. If possible, with practical examples. Thanks for understanding.

Array of characters with the Latin alphabet

I need to declare an array of characters that would store the Latin alphabet. Please show me how to do this.