
Error when deallocating array-double free or corruption C

Hello, I'm making a program to rotate an array, which after allocating performs the rotation function, and then deallocates t ... in the case, the cop Matrix), x and y is the size of the Matrix necessary for the image to be rotated. Theta = 90º as example

Function to multiply each row of a matrix by the value of its corresponding secondary diagonal

I am not being able to take the values of the secondary diagonal of an array by a function. /* 19) Elabore uma sub-rotina q ... same vector generated in that function and throw it in another function to do the calculations on top of the original array.

Why is break not working? [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... e that is at the beginning of the array it does not find, only from the end. Someone can you explain to me why this happens?

Use "->" or "."on a chained list?

Good afternoon, making a hash table without collisions, I created the struct list, but when compiling the code it does not ac ... ", tabela[i][j].info); } break; case 4: return 0; } } return 0; }

Two-dimensional array in C [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... quantity of products. How to leave this number free so that the array will auto-increment as the user enters with the data?

Variable with multiple lists for Array

Good Night. I have a text file where I have already converted its content to lists. Each line of the file turned into a list[ ... st, so I can take the chosen index with the content I want. It would be an ordination but I can't do it. Code image so far:

Pointer to pointer error in c++!

I created a matrix class, to manipulate an array. In the class statement I have the following (public) members: class Matri ... the following error: Access violation writing location 0xcdcdcdcd. I would appreciate it if someone could help me, thank you!

How to multiply all elements of an array by number in Python?

I need to make a function that given a matrix and a number, Returns The Matrix resulting from multiplying all the elements of ... r elemento in linha: resultado = resultado + (elemento * n) return resultado But it is giving error.

Operation with three-dimensional matrices

Rephrasing the question, I would like to implement the following equation: Where D is an array of order I X k x l, lambda ... le.selected [, 1] and p = length(array [, 1]. Need to operate with The Matrix three-dimensional to solve the lambda equation.