
Do all SQL databases support the SQL language syntax?

Are the access commands different from different ones?SQL (MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle)? I just need to learn how to work in a database based on MS SQL using Java, and there is very little material on this topic...

The structure of the database of the Laravel product image gallery

Hello everyone I need advice on how to fill in the database so that you can output an unlimited number of images. Using slick ... e look like in this case? I apologize if the banal question, the solution has not yet been able to find, stuck at this point.

Why do I need SELECT ... FOR UPDATE?

In documentation PostgreSQL says: Read Committed is the default isolation level in PostgreSQL. When a transaction uses this ... ? How does the transaction isolation level affect this? Do I need it SELECT /* … */ FOR UPDATE at the level SERIALIZABLE?

Suggest a convenient Mysql client for remote connection

The main requirement is the ease of working with strings and multiple row addition and selection.

PostgreSQL random element

There is a PostgeSQL table with the words I need to return one random word from this table. Here is the server code:

What is the most correct and proven way to check the presence of a record in a table in a PL / SQL block?

What is the correct and proven way to check for an entry in a table when using a PL / SQL block? For example, there is a tabl ... to check. Free translation of the question Proper way of checking if row exists in table in pl/sql block from member @devBem

Error when trying to grant submission rights to the user: "ORA-01720: Grant Option Does Not Exist"

Have a view: select * from xxx where user_id = root.core.GetUserId() and account_id = root.core.GetAccountId(); But when I ... rror without giving additional rights? In theory, it does not need direct rights, since root.core.GetUserId() is in the view.

Error "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis" when specifying a foreign key for many-to-many communication

CREATE TABLE Recipe ( IDRecipe INT NOT NULL, IDIngredient INT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Ingredients (IDIngredie ... ); Constantly outputs an error: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis How can I fix it? I can't figure out what's going on.

Where to get the win32com.client module?

Returns the error Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\ThirdTask\connect.py", line 1, in <module> import kinterbasdb, win32com.client ImportError: No module named win32com.client Where to get the win32com.client module?

Learning SQL

In connection with the change of work, you need to get acquainted with SQL. Prior to this, I had no experience with SQL and D ... is just for beginners. Is it possible to start an acquaintance with it sql or is it better to take the literature on pl/sql?

Example of a Mysql trigger

Who can give an example of a trigger when in the UPDATE table table1, the updated record information is added to the table2 t ... erRecordstouser, to = NEW.IdUserRecordstouser, status = 0, id_record = NEW.IdRecordstouser; END; $$ DELIMITER ;

Are identical aliases possible in SQL?

For example: NAME AS nm, NAME_BIG as nm?

How do I find and access the DOMAIN database object?

I found very little information about such objects as "domains". I know it's about (). Translation: What is domain type in ... I often find domain declarations in it. But in fact, in the database I do not see them as objects, or mentions in the code.

How can I use input in an anonymous block(execute block) in the Firebird DBMS?

There are several scripts, One main one that should call another script depending on the condition. Main.sql execute bloc ... ng or end of the file outside the anonymous block, it will be executed. Failure to wrap it in an "execute statement" failed.

How to send the output of the query result to a file in sqlplus?

How to send the output of the query result to a file in sqlplus?

Change the field type from varchar2 to blob

There is a table with data that has a field of type varchar2(4000). How can I change a field to the blob type without losing data?

The problem is creating and calling functions and procedures in postgresql

The table is created,the data is filled in, you need to implement a primitive function for counting rows in this table.Here i ... from count_str("something"); something - the name of the table. When called, writes "column ' something' does not exist"

a window function that ignores NULL

| test_id | run_id | WF_value | ------------------------------------------ 1 NULL ... into account. I tried to do it via FIRST_VALUE(run_id), but it still comes down to wrapping it in another subquery or CTE.

B-TREE and HASH indexes

Hello. Interested in what is B-TREE, HASH indexes? How do they affect the speed of sampling? What is their syntax?

Simulating the autoincrement field

I know that Oracle doesn't have the option to add autoincrement for the field, but I know one way to simulate it. Who else k ... ния. */ create sequence test_sq start with 1; /* Получить следуйщий id */ insert into test values(test_sq.nextval); commit;