OWIN and Katana-how does it really work and how to use?

Lately I have been trying to understand OWIN better in the aspects of why to use it, how it works and how to use it. About wh ... I know that it allows us to integrate WebAPI, Identity, etc. But I can not understand yet how this all works and how to use.

Sending PagSeguro Sandbox notifications to the local address (C# ASP.NET MVC)

I'm integrating PagSeguro into an environment ASP.NET, and it was all going well until I got to the notification sending part ... tificacoes-de-transacoes Would Anyone know the solution or could they point me where I am going wrong? I appreciate it now.

Does not find the parameter passed to the insert command

I am developing a web application in ASP.NET and I am wanting to insert data into a table in the database, but when specifyin ... ing uf { get; set; } public String login { get; set; } public String telefone { get; set; } } Project hierarchy

Error:" connection rejected by remote interface " using Firebird 3 em.Net

I have an application in, which currently uses firebird 2.5.1 and it works normally. I am testing version 3.0 Releas ... an be the provider for .NET that still it was not updated to the new version, or if it can be something wrong that I am do.

Linq, doing Join comparing with Like

I have a question regarding Linq. As I have observed some codes, they usually use as for example: var _s = (from p in exem ... create it: var _s = (from p in exemplo1 join q in exemplo2 on SqlMethods.Like(p.blabla, "%" + q.blablabla + "%")

Create thumbnail without stretching / shrinking the image in c#

I have this code that creates me thumbnails for my project: //**** INICIO GUARDA THUMB ********** // valores para altura ... grafico.DrawImage(sourceImage, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight); }; return newImage; }

string was not recognized as a valid datetime

Wave. This problem is occurring only when I put the site in iis. I have tried several solutions, but I can not solve.Below is ... run the system using visual studio from the application server where IIS is, no errors occur,only occurs when I run on iis.

Search data of legal proceedings on the TJSP website

I am developing an application ASP.NET with C# you will need to consult the movements of online lawsuits. So far the only way ... t delivers this information? Initially I am focusing on the Court of Justice of the state of São Paulo. All help is welcome.

Best way to add multiple items from an order into a table

When I add a request in Table TB_PEDIDOS, TB_PEDIDOS: ID_PEDIDO, DATA_PEDIDO, ID_CLIENTE I also need to add the order det ... ECO:2 Produto3 QTD:8 PRECO:3 Do I add the details with a loop, or is there another way to do this? The bank is SQL SERVER.

Is using validation via client enough?

Is using JavaScript validations enough for efficient validation? Example : date validation. is it necessary to check also in the code? What disadvantages of only performing validations via client-side can cause?

Difference between the types of buttons

What is the difference between the following components ? <button type="button">Click Me!</button> <asp:butto ... , event question, manipulation, click effects. For example if I need to use the onsubmit Javascript event will all 3 work?

What to use to create website and android app [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... but they say that it is better to create something more fruity for each platform Question: How can I do this? Thank you

C # MVC 4-action gives Error 404 [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... page, except when I try to send an email through the Contact page. Does anyone have any idea what it might be?! Thank you!!

Paint streets from googlemaps

I'm doing a service that needs you to paint some streets on the maps with different colors depending on a particular typology ... eet a certain color taking into account the coordinates I give him. In this case, I have no idea how I can do it. Thank you

How to implement Gentelella Bootstrap Admin theme? [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ted some controllers and tals... now as do I change the default bootstrap that came in the project to this one I downloaded?

Problems passing 3 parameters via AJAX Core MVC

I need to pass 3 parameters to my controller, but the values don't arrive: Personcontatoviewmodel personcontatoviewmodel: ... alert("Oops! Algo deu errado."); } }); formaContatoIdPrevious = "0"; }); Does anyone know the what's wrong?

How to map two list properties using Automapper

Class RegisterNewPessoaCommand public class RegisterNewPessoaCommand { public RegisterNewPessoaCommand(PessoaNatureza pes ... lId) : null ), new List<PessoaContato>() <========recebe as list de p.PessoasContatosViewModel )); WebForms. Timeout error exceeded in SQL Server. How to solve?

A ASP.NET WebForms it uses the SQL Server 2008 I'm creating a screen that has a search field that works with the requests AJA ... lic void Dispose() { if (dbConnection != null) dbConnection.Dispose(); } } What could be happening?

Page.aspx in the view folder in ASP project.MVC

Good Afternoon folks, I am a beginner in MVC architecture and I am having a doubt in an ASPNET project.MVC. I would like to ... lder it generates the Error 404. I searched for some solutions on the web but didn't find much. Now thank you, Thank you!

Change version Asp.Net Core

I installed version 3.0 of Asp.Net Core in my project, but I will need to change to a previous one in case a 2.2, do you have any way to do this?