Turn bank information into a Link

I am making a site in which brings a string from the bank but I want this string to be informed as follows, instead of it wil ... d> Here I bring the string item to appear on the screen, but I want it to be a button that opens the URL that is itself.

Upload files to Asp.NET MVC 4-Web API-Http PUT method

So, I have to make a method in my controller for an API that accepts 2 files via PUT (1 json and 1 xml for Data Processing, n ... worth creating a specific object for them. PS: how would they then read the same files without saving them to disk first?

Gridview inheriting properties

In all my grids I have to set many properties, I would like to know if there is any way to set the properties only at once in a single place. Grid example:

What is "PostBack"?

May sound like a silly question, but I can't understand how a postback works, if anyone can explain it to me thank you!

EF6 code first relationship between entities

I'm trying to create a condo data model in ASP.NET with SQL Server. I ran into the creation of the relationship of proprietar ... the problem is related to cascade delete, and that I have to create the appropriate exceptions, but I don't know which ones.

Change project c#.Net 4.6 to.Net4.5

Would I have any way to change the .NET summer used in my project to an earlier version ? In my project is with .NET 4.6 and would like to go back to .NET 4.5 version without having to redo everything ?

ASP.NET vNext not Apache

I've heard enough that the ASP.NET 5 will work not only in Windows environment but also Mac and Linux. I wanted to know if yo ... a Mono implementation of ASP.NET 2.0 and do ASP.NET MVC, but that's not what I'm looking for, it's about the ASP.NET 5 even.

Convert hour 24 hours to 00 hours

I have an account in int, i need to return it for hours, and it is working perfectly, the error occurs when the time appears ... I made an if, like this: if (hora == "24") { hora = "00"; } But don't you have any conversion that you do directly ?

How do I make my form work with reCAPTCHA?

I am saving the data by Ajax, but my reCaptcha is not working properly, the form is sent even without pressing inside the Cap ... onfig <add key="reCaptchaPublicKey" value="SiteKey" /> <add key="reCaptchaPrivateKey" value="SecretKey" />

How to make a regular expression for mobile phone?

How to create a regular expression to validate the phone field you accept 99-99999999 (DDD + 8 numbers) or 99-999999999 (DDD ... nd that when typing it adds The Dash - automatically! ValidationExpression="^[0-9]{2}-([0-9]{8}|[0-9]{9})" How to proceed?

How to disable the ZIP code mask to save only the numbers entered when making a Post - MVC

I'm using a Remark component that has a data-plugin="formatter" in which it applies a zip mask to field. The field has a size ... for the mask not to be written, but in app web I do not know if it has how. Does anyone know how to help me? Big hug!!! :)

Query to bring 1 Parent record and in it can contain multiple child records (performance)

Assuming that for the customer I can still put more joins as not only sales, and in the result of this query bring much mo ... | 4 | MORANGO | 4 | 40 1 | TESTE 1 | 5 | ALFACE | 2 | 50 */

How to create a list of roles in Claim using ASP.NET Core

I made an authentication using Claims with cookies in ASP.NET Core. In the method below, the object by parameter brings the ... ipal(identity); await HttpContext.SignInAsync(principal); return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); }

Visual Password

I'm building a login in and I want that when clicking on the checkbox to show the password it is shown. Page Design ... lt;br /> <asp:Button ID="bt_login" runat="server" Text="Iniciar Sessão" /> </div> </div>

SQL gets Double with separator "comma" instead of " period"

I am developing an application ASP.NET where I need to take a DOBULE typed by the user and move to the bank. However there i ... straints: table => { table.PrimaryKey("PK_Friend", x => x.Id); }); Prints:

Do not let browser Save Password

I need to make the browser not save the user password, I have tried autocomplete= "off", autocomplete="new-password", I have ... tried to put with the same name to cheat the browser, and no way worked, Does anyone have any effective example to help me?

Opening PDF in new tab using ASP.NET

I am testing the code below, but it has no action when I click button to open a PDF in New Tab. Ta missing something below? ... on/pdf"; Response.AddHeader("content-length", FileBuffer.Length.ToString()); Response.BinaryWrite(FileBuffer); } }

How to leave field with values in bold

Situation I have a table made in html called payments and in it I have a column called values, I want to leave the fields wi ... </tr> } </tbody> </table>

Edit Xml c file#

I'm having a little difficulty editing an xml. I get the following xml: <cteProc xmlns=" ... is saving <ObsCont xmlns= "" xCampo="vContainer"> the correct is <ObsCont xCampo="vContainer"> without xmlns= "".

Play private videos with Youtube API

Good afternoon people, I'm trying to make an integration with the YouTube API, where the videos can be played by an iframe on ... a way to send an authentication to the API that identifies me as the account holder where the video was uploaded ? Thank you!