error 4.6.1 for O. netStandart 2.0

I'm having a problem referencing a Standart2. 0 project to my .NET Framework 461 api; Occurs the following I have the Class ... er.HttpControllerDispatcher.d _ _ 1.MoveNext() I checked again the Microsoft website and theoretically are compatible

Is ASMX web service obsolete?

I came across the need to consume an ASMX Web Service. Until then it had only consumed RESTful APIs. I noticed that the same ... uite old. Is it recommended to use an ASMX Web Service? Does anyone still use the same to create a Web Service from scratch?

How to access the application running on localhost from another computer

I have a web application made in ASP.NET MVC 5, and I gave a start in it by Visual Studio 2013, the address of the Index pag ... machine where it is running: http://localhost:51144/. How do I get another computer on the network to access my application?

How to create a chart in ASP.Net

I am trying to create a chart with the network usage history in my company. I have never created a chart before in Asp.Net, ... ws: How can I create a chart in the ASP.Net is there any substitute for this Chart Control? Or is there his AddOn for VS2013?

Communicate ASP.NET with Windows Forms

The problem is as follows, I work with SAT-CFe and communication with this is done via USB which makes it impossible for my w ... ter way to do this communication between a Web application and a local Desktop application. I'm grateful for everyone's help.

Compare two queries

I have a query that returns only the catechizers who went to the event: var catequizandosCheked = (from cat in db.Catequiz ... the attribute Estado "cheked " or" Uncheked " if it is found or not, the value of the catechizandoid in query catequizandos

Preventing data resend when refreshing page (F5) in ASP.NET

Guys, I'm having the following problem: I have a web application made with ASP.NET it's C#. In this application I have a s ... xecutar esta ação')"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "myscript", myscript, true); }

Capture the IP and name of the local machine

I need to get the ip and name of the client's local machine in case the user who will be accessing my system. My system is h ... .AddressList; for (int i = 0; i < address.Length; i++) //ciclo q escreve o ip Ip = (Ip + address[i]);

Email sending confirmation?

I need to send emails to my company's customers, but I also need to know if these emails form received successfully. Do you ... e Whats App, that is, when the message is displayed\read would return me something, the Whats App appears two blue scratches.

Automatic punctuation of lines in a multiline TextBox

I need help, that's it, I have to write the data from a multiline TextBox to a database, which is already working, but I have ... e more later exported to a Word document and have to contain that score. How do I get the program to do this automatically ?

How to include a column that demonstrates image dynamically in a GridView

I am generating a report and exporting to Excel, but like most reports the amount of columns is dynamic and I am mounting the ... rcaAux As New DataView(dtcloned) grid.DataSource = dataviewMarcaAux grid.DataBind() End If

Control 'ContentPlaceHolder1 name' of type 'TextBox' must be entered in a format mark with runat = server

I'm doing a job for college, a web forms application in C#. I am having a problem and until then everything was going ... e; } else { return false; } } } I count on your cooperation! Grateful now!

Convert DataTable to List C#

I need to convert the contents of DataTable to a List, I'm new to C# and don't know the syntax. public List < VoCli ... nte > (); foreach(DataRow row in tabela.Rows) { //teste.Add((DataRow)row); ??? teste = tabela ? ? ? } return teste; }

Putting a dynamic YouTube video into one (

Good night! I'm trying to put a youtube video based on a url saved in a sql database, the problem is that the way I found to ... use the iframe stops when I insert the label in the middle of it ... does anyone have any idea what I can do? Thank you : D

Force a sqldatareader result

I have the following method: public ClassCardapio MontaCardapioEdit(string periodo, int tipo) { ClassCa ... ny way to force which row of select will be displayed in each textbox? By default it is always displaying the last line of 3.

Change the name of the pdf file to hash and then be able to undo the name to read again

I'm doing a functionality on a system where; Any sector will upload an important file, this file contains confidential inform ... . Remembering that, windows does not allow some characters (* / \ ) for this reason I would like something that is simple.

Dependency Injection with Ninject C#

I am developing an application that has 4 layers Dominio, Infra, Servico e Web when I have access to a route for example Home ... people indicating the installation of 2 additional Ninject MVC 5 and Ninject WEB packages.API, I am adding the 2 to do tests.

Problems with excel connection string

I have the following snippet of code that makes connection to Excel, but returns me the error: string sFileXLSX = Configur ... soft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable that was to correct this error and still contained returning this exception.

Send email using ASP.NET

I would like to know how to send an email using ASP.NET. the idea will be to click on a button called Send and send a [email protected] (personal) to [email protected] (business). Thanks.

Create a list and insert the spreadsheet data into the database when importing

I have a method protected void importar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) and inside it I check if the file has been selected ... , "Erro", "<script>alert('Arquivo não importado. Verifique o log de erros na tela. ')</script>"); } } } } } } }