What is the ASP.NET vNext? What is the correct name?

Ok, I know the ASP.NET vNext is the new version of ASP.NET being launched by Microsoft in 2015 and that brings great changes ... e was conceived. the name ASP.NET 5 happens to be used for the new version, which is the Core, but loses this nomenclature .

IoC with Ninject

I am developing an application using IoC and Ninject for dependency injection, and I ran into the following problem: When u ... that have the attribute as the example below [InstanceIoC] public class UCManterUsuario : IManterManterUsuario {

Format mask for CNPJ

I need to format a mask for CNPJ. Until then it is done, but the company's default is to format with space instead of point. ... box without formatting 14397462000109 and the label that is in front, shows 14 397 462/0001-09 formatted in company Standard.

Factory recovery of COM classes from CLSID component failed

I developed an application on my pc that does the following: from an upload of a word document, it generates a new document w ... ick " Add " to add the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and check the boxes for the desired access.

Upload system with rotate image automatically as in windows 8.1 or facebook

Today when viewing an image in windows 8.1 even if the image is lying it automatically understands and shows correctly, in wi ... now if it was lying or in foot. How to make a class / component that understands that photo and automatically turns it over?

Configure site in IIS in Windows 8

I have Windows 8 installed in my home. I made a website in ASP.Net and C # and now I went to put it on the air. In my house, ... IP put all not assigned and the post I left his standard (80). When I type the URL nothing comes. What else should I do?