Good FREE Weather API or affordable premium

Someone can suggest a good, preferably free-form and with minimal restrictions api, through which you can pull weather data for the next 5 days. Preferably also with the extraction of geolocation data.

All the googled options are not suitable yet. Stopped at, but it has a limit on the number of requests and the site crashes at times.

Use for non-commercial use Android apps.

An affordable premium will also do.

Author: Barmaley, 2012-10-02

1 answers


Export of weather forecasts in Moscow (VVC) is performed in XML format from the address If you need to get data for another locality, specify its id value. This value is indicated at the end of the address of the page with the weather forecast for the locality of interest. For example, the above value id=5483 could be found on the page " Weather in Moscow (VVC)"

Author: Vfvtnjd, 2012-10-02 13:35:31