
Good FREE Weather API or affordable premium

Someone can suggest a good, preferably free-form and with minimal restrictions api, through which you can pull weather data ... mber of requests and the site crashes at times. Use for non-commercial use Android apps. An affordable premium will also do.

How do I use the declension API for phrases?

Hello there! There is API for declension by case of phrases in Russian Example url for a request at the bottom of the page af ... e, but if I send the phrase request freezes. And on the direct link I apply everything works and quickly! Tell me what it is.

How to fill in Google tables via the python api

I fill in Google tables using the api, there should be four columns,the data changes during the script, how do I make the tab ... eadsheet_id, body={ "valueInputOption":"USER_ENTERED", "data":[ {"range": ] } )

Calculating the location of planets in the solar system

Creating a Nasava analog of a 3D map of the solar system on THREE.js and Vue. Faced with the problem of determining the curre ... ed a response to ishya on git). Maybe someone knows suitable APIs for loading the location of planets in the solar system?

How to use the Gismeteo Token API?

Until today, I did not work with the api and I had a question about the use of the token. How to establish a connection to th ... eader.readLine() } return null } override fun onPostExecute(result: Void?) { super.onPostExecute(result) } }

Generating a POST request with php curl in JSON format

Trying to get a token for the digiseller api https://my.digiseller.com/inside/api_general.asp#token I'm trying to form a req ... curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $server_output = curl_exec($ch); echo $server_output; curl_close ($ch);

How do I make an api request to stepik in java?

You need to get information about a specific course on stepik using the java api. I need to make a request so as to get a lis ... d it, you can take all the courses and filter out those where enrollment: null , but can someone look and help with the code?

How to send a POST via axios to telegra.ph API?

I send a post to the telegraph API using axios. post () in nodejs. in response, I get that the token is invalid. although, if ... og(data.data) } }).catch(err => console.error(err)) Here is the API documentation https://telegra.ph/api

Creating the Spring boot Rest api

Help me not clear errors, I started digging in Spring Boot, and tried to create a Rest site, I tried three guides and I alway ... tion for DDL execution Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown database 'messages&servertimezone=utc&'

Distance calculation

I wanted to connect to the site (thesis) the calculation of the cost of cargo transportation by distance. Tried it using Goog ... s and Yandex maps, but in both cases you have to pay and pay is not enough. Is there an option to do this without such costs?

Assign a VK conversation administrator via the API

How to assign and demote administrators in VK conversations via the API? In Kate Mobile, this is implemented only it is not clear how, I can not find a method

How to calculate the Content-Length for the POST request header in PHP CURL?

To integrate with the OptiCore Warehouse-Cloud service, you need to execute a POST request ClientOrder_CreateUpdate with XML ... ue to the fact that this value is calculated by it automatically, but how to do it in PHP??? https://yadi.sk/i/oaSYQxLof1pS3w

Telegram Client API

Forumchane. I have such a question. I implement the collection of messages from the telegram chat and write them in the json ... "views": null, "edit_date": null, "post_author": null, "grouped_id": null, "restriction_reason": [] },

Updating props from a child component. Vue.js

There is a loop that traverses all the elements from the array in vuex. Outputs a component with props: <card :city="city" ... units: 'metric', appid: API_KEY } }) this.$emit('update', data) } } } </script>

vk api, php, sdk

There is a code echo 'ABC\n'; $vk = new VKApiClient(); echo '123\n'; The first echo is output, the second is not, why? There are no errors, the library is connected, the $vk object is not working.

The WP-REST API returned an unexpected result

I make a website on WP. I got the error: Ошибка обновления. Ответ не является допустимым ответом JSON.. Looked into the heal ... ache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) Server at Port 80</address> </body></html> . How can I fix this error?

How to check the balance replenishment of the QIWI API, PYTHON?

The user adds money to my balance in kiwi, then clicks the "Top up" button and you need to check what he really paid, as well ... the comments, the user specifies their ID, for example, it will be 12345. The Python language. Help with the implementation.

How to add reactions to a bot message (the bot itself) discord py

How to add the reaction of bots to the last message of the bot itself check = await ctx.send("Сообщение") ross = bot.get_emoj ... nds.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an exception: HTTPException: 400 Bad Request (error code: 10014): Unknown Emoji

How do I sync?

Good time of day. The bottom line is this: there are clients (Windows applications) and you need to synchronize data on them. ... on is how to do it correctly. p. s. - the load is not large, so I assume that SignalR and the API will be on the same server.

How do I send a newsletter to group members in Telegram?

The Telegram channel is not mine. But I need to send a newsletter to all its participants help