How do I compile an asm file and run it on Linux?

I created a file asm file and compiled it using the command

 nasm file -o outfile

How do I run the program in the terminal now? (Run outfile)?

Author: insolor, 2020-03-06

2 answers

By default, nasm (usually) compiles to bin - format, which is equivalent to normal flat code. Generally speaking, such files are not executable for almost any OS. But if the file is formed in a special way, a block of 256 bytes is skipped at the beginning of the asm file.:

org     0x100

Then this file will be equivalent to the COM-DOS format. It can be run in the DOS emulator, for example dosbox.

To compile an executable file for linux, you need to explicitly specify the format:

nasm file -f elf64 -o file.o # создаст объектный файл (указать elf32 для x86)
ld -s file.o -o outfile      # слинкует объектный файл в исполняемый

But to do this, the code must be written directly for linux (use its system calls, etc.).

You can run it as usual:


For a list of available formats, see nasm -hf

Author: Fat-Zer, 2020-03-06 13:07:32

Like all programs in Linux:



Author: Dr. Andrey Belkin, 2020-03-06 13:01:38