
How do I compile an asm file and run it on Linux?

I created a file asm file and compiled it using the command nasm file -o outfile How do I run the program in the terminal now? (Run outfile)?

ASM X86, linux, open file: can't!

Gentlemen, I am trying to understand the magic of syscalls. In C, everything is not very complicated. I tried to do this-fran ... Still after the call syscall the error code is located in the eax register. Tell me, please, what am I doing wrong? Thanks.

C++project linking error

I wrote a program to translate numbers from DEC to HEX and vice versa with different functions on Windows using MVS, now it's ... rong command" << endl; cout << endl; break; } } while (n != CMD_EXIT); return 0; }

Rewrite the C++ code in php

There is such a code in C++ How to write an analog in php? Actually, there is a problem with the assembly language commands ... $f_name1="tmp.ms"; $f_name2="tmp.mse"; $testCrypt = new MyTest(); $testCrypt->crypt($f_name1,$f_name2);

Assembler listing of the library's machine code for android

The Android SDK & NDK are installed on Ubuntu. Are there any standard tools in the delivery?

How to count the number of bits in one byte in assembly language?

Hello. I can't figure out how to count the number of bits in one byte using the bit mask and the logical operations AND, OR, ... untouched. But how, using a mask, can you count the number of units in a number consisting of 8 bits (for example, 00011001)?

Output of a number in the messagebox in assembly language

It was necessary to program the mathematical formula (A+B) / (D*E) - C. Here I counted everything, but for some reason the by ... LUDE\API\user32.inc' Upd: the result of this program will be an incomprehensible string like "yy(and an empty lol square)"

Connecting the. obj file VS 2017

When trying to connect .obj file error occurs LNK1107 invalid or corrupted file: cannot be read by 0xDF HLL D:\Aleksey\Learni ... ------------------------ xor eax, eax xor ebx, ebx mov ebx, mat_a ; pop ebp ret add_matrix endp end

NASM compilation for Windows x32 / x64

I have Windows x64. I want to write something working (At least hello world) in assembly language for this system, using NASM ... .text, .data and others... For example, I want to do this on Windows, not in DOSBox: mov ah, 0x2 mov dl, 'X' int 0x21 ret

How do I fix the assembly code?

copy: lodsb ;Загружаем новый символ cmp al, 30h ;Проверяем ноль ли это je output ;Если ноль - переходим к выводу ... reen, when you output the line, it is available to you as is (beginning at a known address, at the end - zero) and read-only

TASM/ASM arrays

The program searches for the most common characters, and in an array with an index equal to the character code, writes the fr ... , AX ;-------------- MOV BX, 3 MOV byte ptr SYMBOLS[BX], 1 MOV AX, 4C00h INT 21h CODESG ENDS END START

Compiling a program directly for the microarchitecture level

I'm studying computer architecture, I have a question. But first what did I understand: The architecture of the instruction s ... d then the microarchitecture itself interprets the code that it understands, you see MOV, XOR, etc. Am I getting this right?

Help me translate the code from fasm to nasm

I need to output the current time to the terminal I write the code on nasm. To convert a number to a string, I decided to use ... вод mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, buf mov edx, 8 int 0x80 What can replace @b and what is this command?

Call the GetSystemInfo function via the assembler

I have a GetSystemInfo function that is built into winapi (sysinfoapi.h), how do I call it? And then put the function call re ... mentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/sysinfoapi/nf-sysinfoapi-getsysteminfo That's all I could find.

Function without prologue and epilogue

How can I set a function without a prologue and an epilogue so that only the body code is created? For example, to have the ... op 4: 5d pop %ebp 5: c3 ret Are there standard C tools (visual c, gcc) ?

An exception was raised at (msvcp140d.dll)

The program defines the number system by prefixes if 0x or 0X, then 16 СС, as well as with 2 СС. The code is the same for 16 ... ase, 2 jmp end_program de: mov base, 10 end_program: } cout << base << endl; }

How to create a.iso image from multiple.bin files?

Attention! Possible aggression from the stupidity of the question, please treat with understanding! I decided to make hellowo ... yntax. I apologize if I said something really stupid, it's just that there is too little information on this topic in Google.

How can I output the argument of a function written in GNU Assembler (AT&T syntax) in C?

There is a task-to write a program from two modules: one in C, the second in assembly language. All sources unanimously state ... n KUbuntu OS. Question: where does this first argument hide, and how do I finally get it out and return it to the C module?

Solve an example on assembler tasm

Need help solving the example: How to implement the assembly language input of two numbers (decimal) from the keyboard and ... lea dx,buf mov ah,0ah int 21h // решение примера mov ah, 9 int 21h CODE ENDS END START

explain test eax, eax, and jg

A number is placed in eax, for example 20. then this expression. test eax, eax jg short loc_xxx jg in this case, does it mean that there will be a transition if the number is greater than zero?