How to convert pdf to doc and odt

I found many algorithms for converting doc to pdf, but I didn't find the reverse algorithm. Please tell me how to do this on windows and on linux. I make Pdf files using the LimeReport library.There are no methods for converting to doc/odt.

Author: Kostya Chernyaev, 2019-12-04

1 answers

The problem is that the PDF may not contain a layer with the text of what you see there. This means that your conversion becomes an image recognition task - OCR programs can help you.

If you are lucky enough to have a text layer, you can use Abiword

abiword --to=doc example.pdf

Or LibreOffice

libreoffice --invisible --convert-to docx:"MS Word 2007 XML"
Author: gbg, 2019-12-04 10:02:44